看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇引用reddit的理論 我有被說服到耶 但就看星期一是不是有解釋 囧恩莫名對龍大喊(觀眾視角) 是真的對Arya喊"GOOOOO - GO - GO" reddit連結 https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/birt01/spoilers_jon_screamed/ 如果真是這樣 那Jon Snow you really did something! "Jon screamed at the undead dragon to distract it so Arya can run past and kill the Night King. The undead dragon was protecting the entrance to the Godswood. Watch it again, you can actually hear him scream "GOOOOO - GO - GO". 10 seconds later the scene you can see the hair of a White Walker flying up when Arya sprints past the group of White Walkers. Jon once again was ready to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King. Prove me wrong." 如果這理論被證實 頓時提升好幾個層次 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1556987166.A.BE6.html
a1503f: 記得前幾篇有提過了 05/05 00:45
wu52iou: 前面有人提出過 但我重看了幾次 感覺真的不像XDDDD 05/05 00:53
yzkeroro: 幾百個異鬼看不到 囧看得到喔 05/05 01:03
MysterySW: HBO上的字幕是[yells] 如果是喊有意義的字不會只有這 05/05 03:15
KingJeff17: 聽起來是go沒錯 但也可能是絕望下對龍喊go(away) 05/05 04:05
wolfrains: 這樣演真的有提升好幾個層次嗎? 05/05 09:07
joey0602: 重看了這段不像…只能說觀眾腦補都比編劇更厲害… 05/05 10:55
stja: 06/03 23:37