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George RR Martin scorns 'absurd' claims he's finished writing Game of Thrones 喬治RR馬丁怒斥小說六七集已完成的流言 英國衛報 Alison Flood Tue 14 May 2019 13.48 BST https://bit.ly/2E9qIBd George RR Martin has rebuffed the rumour that he has secretly finished the final two books in his Song of Ice and Fire series, after a Game of Thrones actor made the claimlast month. 喬治RR馬丁公開怒斥最近盛傳他已經完成最後兩本小說的流言 Speculation began spreading online after actor Ian McElhinney, who played Ser Barristan Selmy in the HBO adaptation, made the claim on 29 April at a fan convention in Russia. “George has already written books six and seven … but he struck an agreement with David and Dan, the showrunners, that he would not publish the final two books until the series has completed,” he told the audience at EPIC Con 2019. 流言起於Ser Barristan的演員Ian McElhinney在4/29的一個俄羅斯粉絲聚會中宣稱 喬治已經寫完第六本跟第七本小說,但礙於他跟D&D有協議,因此無法公布此訊息 ,更無法出版這兩本小說。 The fifth novel in Martin’s bestselling series, A Dance with Dragons, was published in 2011. 喬治RR馬丁的第五本小說 與龍共舞在2011年出版 But writing on his website on Monday, Martin said McElhinney’s claim was not true. “No, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring are not finished. Dream is not even begun; I am not going to start writing volume seven until I finish volume six,” wrote the author. 作者在他自己的網站上說Ian McElhinney的訊息是錯誤的,"寒冬凜風跟春曉的夢想 並沒有完成。春曉的夢想根本還沒開始動筆,在寫完第六本前我是不會寫第七本的" “It seems absurd to me that I need to state this … Why would I sit for years on completed novels? Why would my publishers – not just here in the US, but all around the world – ever consent to this? They make millions and millions of dollars every time a new Ice & Fire book comes out, as do I. Delaying makes no sense.” 我自己要出來聲明這件事情本身就很荒謬了,為啥明明我寫完小說還要枯等大半年? 怎麼可能全世界的出版社會同意這等荒謬的事情,每次我出一本新書,這些出版社就可以 賺進大把大把的鈔票,延期這件事根本不合邏輯。 HBO did not ask him to delay the books, the author added, nor did the show’s co-creators, David Benioff and DB Weiss. “There is no ‘deal’ to hold back on the books. I assure you, HBO and David & Dan would both have been thrilled and delighted if The Winds of Winter had been delivered and published four or five years ago,” he wrote. “And NO ONE would have been more delighted than me.” 作者補充,HBO並沒有要求他延後出書,D&D也沒有跟他有所謂的延後協議,如果寒冬凜風 在四五年前能夠完工,最高興的人莫過於D&D了,但倘若這件事發生,沒人會比我更高興 。 Martin also took the opportunity to double down on his claim that Gandalf would “kick Dumbledore’s ass”, after making the assertion at the premiere of the new JRR Tolkien biopic last week. 喬治RR馬丁也趁機再次強調他的"甘道夫屌打鄧不利多"的論點 此爭論起源於上周的JRR托爾金傳記電影首映會 “Gandalf COULD kick Dumbledore’s ass. I mean, duh. He’s a Maia, folks. Next best thing to a demigod,” wrote Martin, diving deep into Silmarillion levels of Tolkien knowledge with his “maia” reference. According to the Tolkien Gateway: “The Maiar (singular Maia) were those spirits which descended to Ardato help the Valar shape the World.” 馬丁說"甘道夫可以殺爆鄧不利多,我的意思是,拜託,他是邁雅欸,快跟半神差不多了" 根據Tolkien Gateway網站的紀錄,邁雅來到阿爾達幫助維拉建造這世界。 Martin wrote: “Gandalf dies and come back. Dumbledore dies and stays dead. But if it will calm down all the Potterites out there, let me say that Gandalf could kick Melisandre’s ass, too.” 馬丁說"甘道夫死而復生,鄧不利多死了就真的死了,但為了讓眾多哈粉們安慰一點, 我會說甘道夫也會殺爆紅袍女的喔" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1557845832.A.87C.html
shyuwu: 甘道夫屌打鄧不利多XDDDD 05/14 23:01
ke0119: 馬丁真挺甘道夫,不過他都能單殺炎魔了,校長更不用說啦 05/14 23:07
pccuupway: 不要轉移話題,快寫 05/14 23:08
smonke: 托爾金是馬丁大叔的偶像阿..他超崇拜托老的 05/14 23:09
hugh509: 寫完第六本前不會動第七本,但是可以去寫前傳(笑 05/14 23:13
bruce79: 馬丁的論點沒什麼錯 甘道夫或是索倫都是邁雅 鄧不利多這 05/14 23:14
bruce79: 個人類要贏是很困難的w 05/14 23:14
baliallin: 還有臉講 快寫啦 05/14 23:17
hnjsh: 有空辯解這大家都知道的事還不快去出書收尾 05/14 23:34
freezee: 甘道夫是神 遊戲GM的概念 05/14 23:35
Takhisis: 不過校長有對象,甘道夫說不定是萬年法神~ 05/14 23:46
ariachiang: 你看,聽說有活動馬上就拋下一切去遊玩了,這就是寫不 05/14 23:52
ariachiang: 完的大主因 05/14 23:52
pachelbel: 人家哈利波特至少有始有終,本傳賺完才開始玩外傳 05/15 00:04
tsgd: 沒有寫書也能這麼大聲 我沒有寫啦 更不用說第七本了XDD 05/15 00:04
Epimenides: 真的是你在大聲什麼啦 05/15 00:14
vivavan: 看到第八季劇情真的想要是書有寫就好了!! 05/15 00:37
monkeywind: 沒寫完怕被挖坑 自己先填坑XD 05/15 00:41
cksxxb: 幹你娘拖稿不要這麼大聲辣 05/15 00:53
jeffson231: 人家托爾金有寫完 你還沒寫完 05/15 01:02
itachi0609: 沒寫完是在大聲什麼啦 05/15 01:15
wlcscs: 沒寫完大聲啥小 滾 05/15 01:15
chiasmus: YOU SHALL NOT PASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! 05/15 01:26
leophior: 完全不提第六本還要多久.該不會真的斷尾吧.. 05/15 01:42
kazushige: 有空嘴砲搞外務沒空寫書,光哈利波特有寫完就贏你100倍 05/15 01:50
washltz: 主線不知道怎麼寫拚命寫支線外傳前傳騙錢 還很會嗆聲 05/15 03:00
j7o6a5: 問題是你主打沒寫完跑去到處寫前外傳跟搞副業啊啊啊啊 05/15 03:16
joey0602: 馬丁…我就拜託你至少寫出卷六吧 05/15 04:21
phantom78626: 意思就是這老頭完全沒有要寫書只想繼續享受party跟 05/15 05:25
phantom78626: 名聲,寫書自己關起來多悶,搞影視一堆人要來拜託他 05/15 05:26
phantom78626: 還有年輕漂亮女演員蹭著跟他拍照、感謝他。反正等到 05/15 05:27
phantom78626: 過氣時他也差不多要死了,誰在乎小說。影視加週邊 05/15 05:28
phantom78626: 授權賺更多。 05/15 05:28
ararar: 冰與火之歌跟獵人 到底哪一邊會先寫/畫完呢 05/15 07:40
psychoF: 會說老鄧贏甘道夫的是反串吧 05/15 08:25
psychoF: 老鄧面對的是一個亂殺人黑幫老大而已 米斯蘭達面對的是 05/15 08:26
psychoF: 毀天滅地大魔頭的毀天滅地手下 05/15 08:26
valeria: Oh OK. Sure,George. 05/15 08:55
poopooShaw: 鄧不利多感覺是比較陰險的老頭,直接對幹一定是甘道 05/15 09:31
poopooShaw: 夫贏 05/15 09:31
kodo555: 沒差了啦,寫不完的 05/15 09:52
dxzy: 寫不完+1 生平最恨有頭沒尾 05/15 09:57
AlcoNic: 他寫不完了吧,但我猜會跟時光之輪一樣有人幫他接完 05/15 10:23
MasLoty: 寫書好嗎 05/15 10:32
laypub: 馬丁:寫不完啦幹 05/15 12:57
simplewish: 學學史蒂芬金好嗎 今年七十歲照樣生一本新書來 05/15 13:45
yaes111: 寫那麼久還敢大聲 05/15 13:55
yeardoss: 要是我我也不寫 不寫反而賺更多 05/15 14:23
grayoasis: 甘道夫一代劍聖肯定會贏 05/15 14:45
poz93: 寫不出來也比寫出影劇版這樣的垃圾好 05/15 15:13
hundreder: 這種讓讀者失望的聲明就不要喊這麼大聲了...... 05/15 16:19
sunnydragon7: 拖稿不寫還這麼大聲…比富奸還誇張 05/15 17:10
astar441: 叫他去寫書好不好!賣練蕭話 05/15 22:13
chris3381: 超討厭他的 讓我看到一部沒結尾的作品 wtf 05/16 01:12
chris3381: 影集從脫離原著就沒追了 看板上反應 似乎是明智之舉? 05/16 01:13
mildred19: 沒寫還這麼大聲 05/19 14:29