看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一直記得第一季有一段 Jake 唱了一首歌 歌詞是 "Beatdown boulevard, is the toughest street in town" 印象中那個旋律好像出現過好幾次(不是很確定) 有人知道他實際上是哪首歌嗎?還是單純是 Andy 亂唱出來的旋律? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1559198378.A.7C0.html
allenlee6710: 你直接拿歌詞去查不就有了? 05/30 14:41
timgame: 真的直接GOOGLE馬上有 05/30 15:07
newtypeL9: 還以為是I want it that way 05/30 15:15
qazplm319: yeah you are my fire 05/30 15:22
rubeinlove: 我也立刻想到I want it that way XDDD 05/30 15:23
ooooops1221: I want it that way是推坑我看99的關鍵xdd 05/30 15:33
newtypeL9: Tell me why! 05/30 15:43
jjelm: http://bfy.tw/Nt2y 05/30 15:44
cumsubin: Ain't nothin' but a heartache~ 05/30 16:04
bonbon0727: Tell me why! 05/30 16:55
Battmann: Ain't nothin' but a mistake~ 05/30 17:10
lovephi: now number 5~ 05/30 17:17
leamaSTC: I never want to hear you say~ 05/30 17:36
soraka: 看到找到集數介紹就沒有仔細看了,倒是進 Andy 的 tumblr 05/30 17:47
soraka: 逛了很久 XD 05/30 17:47
xiaopo1130: 推文唱起來 I want it that way 05/30 17:56
evravon2866: 那不是他自己臨時自創的嗎? 05/30 18:19
evravon2866: 他寫給Rosa的情歌根本神曲 05/30 18:20
cumsubin: Rosa Rosa Rosa Rosa Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz 05/30 18:36
ALJAZEERA: You are 05/30 18:45
newtypeL9: my fire 05/30 18:50
soniaps2: the one~ 05/30 19:11
f881009: desire 05/30 19:19
ariadne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLnWf1sQkjY 這首入坑 05/30 19:49
zedddd: Believe 05/30 22:12
x778779: When I say 05/30 22:34
Aminor: 推文有聲音XD 05/30 23:02
hahahaha5566: I want you that way~ 05/30 23:18
homefisher: Rosa Rosa rosa超好聽的XD 05/30 23:21
yuhurefu: Are you finally single~? 05/30 23:37
Aubreys: 推文邊唱邊笑 05/31 01:45
yowhatsupsli: Doug Judy其實蠻會唱的 05/31 07:25
newtypeL9: Doug Judy跟Jake合唱的時候超麻吉的XD 05/31 10:41
littlebook3: 推文笑翻 05/31 12:28
chriscorgi: 應該是亂唱 ,旋律很像Uptown Funk 05/31 16:17
tanakakumako: 推文XDD 05/31 17:57
ph1405: 超愛99粉絲每次貼文的回覆都好有水準快笑死 06/01 18:19
QCLE: Unbreak my heart~say you’ll love me again 06/01 18:45
fufugirl: 留言有聲音XDDD 06/02 00:10
fufugirl: 超愛B99 希望還能有S7 06/02 00:10
sophia126a: 有哇99的官方ig今年就公布有第7季唷耶耶耶~~~ 06/02 01:03
fufugirl: 真的假的!謝謝樓上分享訊息!好開心啊!!! 06/02 09:15
ihfanyen: 那個旋律是The Sugar Hill Gang的Rapper’s Delight 08/18 23:53
ihfanyen: 至於那個Beatdown boulevard, is the toughest street i 08/18 23:54
ihfanyen: n town應該只是Jake自己亂Freestyle出來的詞哦 08/18 23:54