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210224 EXO相關 SNS更新 ◎伯賢 wkorea Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqBiRSHpzN/ Enjoy the fashion film of March issue of <W Korea> with Baekhyun. For Baekhyun, music can't be beaten even if he does it for the rest of his life. All photos with Baekhyun and an interview on music are now available at www.wkorea.com. - #WKorea #W_men #WCover #FashionFilm #EXO #BaekHyun @wkorea_man @burberry @baekhyunee_exo #burberry #封面故事 #BurberrySpringSummer21 #FashionFilm #WKOREA #Buberry #伯賢 #EXO #Burberryx lifepharm_kr Twitter https://i.imgur.com/vCX1G4t.png
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