看板 EXO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
D.O. 共感 預告#5 / Mood Sampler Ver.2 https://youtu.be/E56uhfXaagY
D.O. '共感' Mood Sampler Ver.2 D.O. The 1st Mini Album [共感] 2021.07.26. 6PM KST #D.O. #DO(D.O.) #共感 #EXO #weareoneEXO From.weareoneexo -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EXO/M.1626707057.A.C19.html
yutan0802: 給一小段喔 我就可以重複很久了... 07/19 23:04
pandaf: 已經開始循環了 這一句oh~~ 07/19 23:12
vicky23615: 期待!!!! 07/19 23:12
yuchia0114: 風格真的好棒喔 07/19 23:23
sodaplus: 推! 拍得好美 07/19 23:36
loxe9: 很舒服的氛圍! 07/20 00:10
paralupi: Today's teaset surprisingly hit me!(Sorry I was 07/20 00:16
paralupi: shocked to find a word in chinese.> < Don't hit me.) 07/20 00:17
ttX32m3: oh的好好聽XDD 07/20 01:28
jianingtw: 天啊太期待了 07/20 13:53
suzanne0821: 這聲oh太好聽了 07/20 22:19