看板 Ecophilia 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2016「核電影」環台映演 No Nukes Film Festival 時間 Time/ 2016/04/20-05/25 每週三 Every Wednesday 19:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/近城隍廟) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 免費入場 Free Admission 主辦單位 Hosted by/ 綠色公民行動聯盟Green Citizens' Action Alliance 協辦單位 Supported by/ 江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo ※ 影片由綠色公民行動聯盟—核電影巡迴計劃提供 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於核電影/ 綠色公民行動聯盟所舉辦的「核電影」,是台灣第一個以「核」為主的主題式影展,自 2013年開始舉辦,每雙年一次,2015年邁入第二屆,相較第一年選片的影像美學豐富度與 多元性,今年選片則是多了議題的深度及廣度,「亞洲非核之風」單元及「從搖籃到墳墓 」單元共十多部片當中,包含了核武、鈾礦開採與原住民運動、核廢最終處置、反高壓電 塔抗爭等台灣少見的題材;囊括的地理尺度也更加廣泛,除了台日之外也選錄了印度、韓 國、法國、澳洲、非洲等地的影像,期待能打開台灣觀眾對議題關注的視角,認識到核能 與國際政治、軍事、族群與歷史等問題的連帶關係。 今年核電影再次下鄉,邀請你一起讓這些難得的環境影像教育素材,擴散到更多角落,促 成更多的討論與思辨發生! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 放映片單 Film List/ 04/20(三) 破天而降的核電廠 Are Vah! 04/27(三) 密陽的眼淚 Legend of Miryang 1 05/04(三) 法國萬萬歲 Vive la France 05/11(三) 演習 Drill 05/18(三) 鈾是一場夢 U 4 Uranium + 視界之外 At Eye Level 05/25(三) 鈾礦帝國 Uranium – Is It A Country + 守護莫卡蒂 Protecting Manuwangku /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於影片 About Films/ ● 破天而降的核電廠 Are Vah! 2014|法國 France|71min 導演 Directors:Sarah Irion & Micha Patault 你對於在後福島核災時代蓋一座新的核電廠有什麼看法? 傑塔普村位於印度西南海岸的地震帶上,阿海珐公司企圖在這個地方建造一座全世界最大 的核電廠,也就是包含了6個第三代歐洲壓水式反應爐的傑塔普核電廠。儘管受到當地民 眾的激烈反對,印度開拓核能市場的趨勢卻看似強不可擋。 這座核電廠將蓋在一個有地震風險、一萬名依賴捕魚和種植芒果的農漁夫村莊,在地人知 道有核電廠即將破天而降,張大了嘴告訴我們:哇!(Are vah!) 除了精緻的影音與動畫,本片調查這些大規模核電建案背後的野心,訪談當地專家對危機 的見解,也帶領觀眾前往核電廠預定地,記錄下當地居民繼續為了家園挺身抗爭的艱辛歷 程。 In India, Jaitapur is located in a seismic zone by the seaside. Areva intends to build six EPR reactors there, i.e. the largest nuclear power station in the world. The population is hostile to this plan. But India has opened up to civil nuclear market. What could one say about planning a nuclear power station in the post Fukushima era? The future power station will be built on a site with seismic risk, where 10,000 people live from fishing and mango production exported all over the world. On the spot surprise soon turned into amazement. An Indian will then tell you: “Are vah!” (Wow!) Combining photos, videos, sound and animation “Are Vah!” is an investigation into the causes of such industrial ambitious project and its risks based on the answers given by Indian specialists.“Are Vah!” also takes the audience on the future site of the power station, where the populations resist to bequeath their lands despite a more and more severe police repression. 預告片 Trailer:https://vimeo.com/97104806 --- ● 密陽的眼淚 Legend of Miryang 1 2013|韓國 Korea|74min 導演 Director:Park Bae-il 「如果我死了,政府應該可以感受到我的痛苦吧。」2012年1月26日,74歲的農民李智宇 在身上澆滿汽油點火自焚。 密陽市位於首爾東南方280公里,是一個幽靜適活的地方,但韓國政府卻為了配合電力公 司的新高麗核電廠工程,預計在滿是蘋果樹的鄉間山坡上,興建60幾座高壓電塔,將店力 運送到大首爾地區。頓時,悠閒的村落生活變得痛苦悲傷,包括導演在內的11萬村民集體 示威,搭帳篷長期抗爭,與政府衝突不斷,至今已經整整八年了。 農民李智宇說:「我死了,至少這份冤屈能被世界看見。無數個夜晚,全村的老人分隊, 輪班上山,和機器、施工人員正面對抗,忍受來自四面八方的快門聲,還有隨之而來的不 實指控。我死了,或許能夠擺脫這樣的地獄;我死了,或許夠守住,我與弟妹一手耕出的 十畝田地。」 I live in Miryang, the town of sunlight. I settled here 10 years ago because it was getting harder for me to live with all the farm work and, with its clean air and water, this was a perfect place to take a rest. Not only me. One of my neighbors came here to recover from bad health, too. However, my life nowadays became so sad and bitter. Transmission towers, called 765 something, are said to be built in the neighborhood, and it is making so much trouble. Last year, an old man who lived in another town not far from here, killed himself because of it. And I, trying to stop the construction people cutting down trees, was dragged around by young men far below my age, getting insulted with harsh words I’d never heard before. I still have the scars from being beaten by them back then. People say that 64 transmission towers are going to be seated in Miryang... It’s been 8 years since I started the fight against it. 8 years! It’s quite a long story, but, would you like to listen to it? --- ● 法國萬萬歲 Vive la France 2014|法國 France|86min 導演 Directors:Helgi Felixson & Titti Johnson 廣島與長崎核爆至今已經70年,這場災難造成了至少20萬人死亡。世上從來沒有經歷過這 樣大規模的徹底破壞。 自2000年起,包括美國、英國、法國、俄羅斯、中國、巴基斯坦、印度和北韓已經開始積 極發展核武。至今這些國家共擁有1萬7千枚隨時可使用的原子彈。 法國總統席哈克決定,在法屬波利尼西亞的核武試爆要繼續進行,使全球目光注視到穆魯 羅瓦環礁。然而,這個決定受到社會巨大阻力,核試爆使不少人美夢幻滅。在電影中,導 演前往了這座小島拜訪一對夫婦,他們夢想開一家麵包店,但銀行認為此地的核武試爆造 成的風險太大,而不願借貸資金。 《法國萬萬歲》指出了核試爆對生態環境的嚴重影響,以及法國殖民地波利尼西亞受到的 政治影響,傳達了小島居民的自主意志,揭露了法國核武計劃令人髮指的後果,可以看出 西方國家對生態環境和底層人民的冷漠無情。 This year marks 70 years since the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The result: more than 200,000 dead. Never before had the world seen such utter devastation. Since then 2000 nuclear weapons have been tested by the US, Great Britain, France, Russia, China, Pakistan, India and North Korea. Today these nations together own 17,000 nuclear warheads ready to use. When last the Mururoa atoll gained the attention of the world was when French president Jacques Chirac decided that nuclear testing in French Polynesia should go on. This decision met with massive resistance and the tests were ended for good the following year. In Vive La France, filmmakers Titti Johnson and Helgi Felixon visit the nearby island of Tureia to meet Kua and Teariki. The couple’s dream of starting a bakery is shattered when they are unable to secure a loan from the bank, due to the risk that the Mururoa atoll may implode, setting off a devastating tsunami. Vive La France reveals the willful existence of a small island community, while delivering a grave lesson on the ecological consequences of nuclear testing and the political ramifications of French colonialism in Polynesia. In this film about the hair-rising consequences of France’s nuclear programme, it’s plain to see the indifference that was and still is the mark of the Western world. 預告片 Trailer:https://vimeo.com/84855234 --- ● 演習 Drill 2015|臺灣 Taiwan|65min 導演 Director:蔡宇軒 TSAI Yu-Hsuan 這部以演習為題的影片談的不是核災,而是人們如何看待核災,以及如何看待可能面臨核 災的自己。 我們帶著關於核災的一千零一個問題向專家討教,想像起自己在日常生活中遭遇核災,思 索起核災發生後的一個小時、數天、一個月、乃至於數十年的應對進退,我們討論的是我 們所能做到的一切。 然而什麼是完美的演習?我們所做的準備距離真正的核災有多遠?這都牽涉到一個更為關 鍵的問題:究竟什麼是核災?也許當我們談論著對核災的所知時,也正談論著未知…… 預告片 Trailer:http://hdtv.tavis.tw/mobile_zh.php?p=2&pid=59 --- ● 鈾是一場夢 U 4 Uranium 2011|澳洲 Australia|71min 導演 Director:Astral Jester 什麼是鈾?它從何處來?它是如何被人類使用? 《鈾是一場夢》除了會解答以上這些問題,也要帶領觀眾從英國倫敦的白金漢宮、再到澳 洲的北領地,直至原子核心。在這趟旅程中,導演以獨特的戲謔方式描述在地球上最不穩 定的金屬物質,以及它是如何被建構成一場華麗而虛幻的夢,要將影片獻給所有持續揭露 著鈾礦開採和核工業真相的人。 這部電影將會帶我們踏上一段從英國倫敦的白金漢宮、再到澳洲的北領地、直至原子核心 的旅程。《鈾是一場夢》獻給所有持續揭露著鈾礦開採和核工業真相的人。 What is uranium? Where does it come from? How is it used? U 4 Uranium? addresses these questions and more in a unique portrait of one of the planet’s heaviest metals and most volatile materials. The film takes us on a journey from Buckingham Palace in London, England to Australia’s Northern Territory and into the nucleus of the atom. U 4 Uranium? is dedicated to all those who continue to expose the truth about uranium mining and the nuclear industry. 預告片 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU7c4aJ9V5A
--- ● 視界之外 At Eye Level 2010|德國 Germany|10min 導演 Director:Kerstin Schnats 一部關於鈾礦開採和環境種族主義的短片。來自尼日、納米比亞和美國的原住民運動者在 片中告訴提到,與鈾礦場所帶來的致命副作用共存究竟是什麼樣的生活。他們對全世界發 出忠告:「地球不要再開採鈾!」 “At Eye Level” is a short film about uranium mining and environmental racism. Indigenous activists from Niger, Namibia, and the United States report on living with the deadly side-effects of uranium – the raw material used in many parts of the industrialized world for generating power in nuclear plants. Their message: “Leave the uranium in the earth.” --- ● 鈾礦帝國 Uranium – Is It A Country? 2011|澳洲 Australia|53min 導演 Directors:Stephanie Auth, Isabel Huber, Kerstin Schnats 歐洲有越來越多人將核能歌頌為拯救氣候變遷的救星,然而,這部電影卻從不同的角度揭 露核能所帶來的風險,特別是最易受到忽視、最不被看見,卻處在整個核工鍊最前端的原 料開採。 電影會帶領我們到擁有世界上最多的鈾礦蘊藏量的國家-澳洲,實際走訪世界最巨大的鈾 礦場之一-奧林匹克大壩(Olympic Dam mine),鉅細靡遺、深入淺出的呈現鈾的來源、 用途,以及鈾礦開採的過程,對生態與社會帶來的衝擊。 In Europe nuclear energy is more and more often celebrated as saving the climate. Clearly, nuclear power plants need uranium. The aim is to comprehensively illustrate the opportunities and risks posed by nuclear energy, whilst paying particular attention to uranium mining. Australia has the world’s largest deposits of this resource. We will travel to the ”land down under” to exemplify where uranium comes from, where it goes to and what is leftover from it. By now the most used combustible for the nuclear energy production is uranium and the world has many problems and risks because of this. This film is about uranium and its use for the nuclear energy production. It doesn’t want to be comprehensive of everything concerning nuclear reactors. And it is a very good film, based on a accurate inquiry about uranium. --- ● 守護莫卡蒂 Protecting Manuwangku 2014|澳洲 Australia|23min 導演 Directors:Jason De Santolo, Isaac Parsons 影片呈現了居住在澳洲中部沙漠的瓦曼巴族人,如何堅決捍衛他們的家園,以長達八年的 持續抗爭,反對澳洲政府將莫卡蒂選為核廢儲存場址。他們的抗爭在2014年6月取得了前 所未有的歷史性勝利,政府同意讓步,放棄將莫卡蒂劃定為候選場址,為反核運動提供了 重要的經驗和啟發。然而,儘管莫卡蒂的反核廢運動取得了成果,但澳洲政府的核廢處置 法例仍然對原住民的傳統領域虎視眈眈。 Protecting Manuwangku showcases the strength and determination of the Warlmanpa people in the Central Australian desert, fighting to defend their country and culture from the national nuclear waste dump proposed on their traditional land. The eight-year Muckaty campaign achieved an historic victory in June 2014 when half way through a federal court challenge, the federal government agreed not to further pursue the site. But radioactive waste laws continue to target Aboriginal Land and suspend basic rights. The film provides important lessons and inspiration for the many battles to come. 預告片 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70FyqX3ePKM
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ●大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本所正門。 ●步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走接東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50 公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本所正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ●地圖 Map 中文版: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=418695844895096&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater English version: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420338138064200&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/226300804398054/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Ecophilia/M.1460987073.A.9A4.html OscarJeff:轉錄至看板 movie 04/18 21:44