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"15 reasons we love the Dreamcast 15 years later" Sweet dreams are made of these… 9/9/99 feels like a distant fantasy now. That day in September, when the Dreamcast went on sale in North America, and I purchased the system, it seemed like the start of a new age for Sega. It was a bright future of endless possibilities. While it would go on to be the company's last console, the Dreamcast's impact from that day in 1999 forward is worth remembering 15 years later. That time has granted us gamers useful perspective on the system's triumphs, both great and small. On its 15th birthday, I think it's time to celebrate the Dreamcast's existence. So, in addition to GamesRadar's list of the best Dreamcast games (including those that have aged very gracefully), I've pulled together 15 reasons the system is worthy of glowing nostalgia to this day. Whether you were there from the Japanese launch in 1998, or got it during liquidation sales, or just wish you had been part of the scene back in the day, this is why people still talk about the Dreamcast... Games Radar在DC 15周年時選出了15款經典未褪的DC代表遊戲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Oe1Kss_AQ&feature=player_embedded
來源:http://www.gamesradar.com/15-reasons-we-love-dreamcast-15-years-later/ -- 死之館2沒上!? -- ポーラステーション http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1410546481.A.8E4.html
syura945: dc最大敗筆就是幾乎都街機移植作 一下就膩了 09/13 02:36
syura945: 成也街機 敗也街機 09/13 02:36
qazxswptt: 並不能這樣說 這其實算是因果倒置 SEGA的第三方一直 09/13 03:53
qazxswptt: 有支援不夠的問題 阿健用吹牛PS2的方式拖延 讓第三方 09/13 03:54
qazxswptt: 觀望不已 街機移植 基本上對SEGA本來就是既定策略 09/13 03:54
qazxswptt: 不能把失敗的原因推給這點 DC搞基板互換 移植也不會多 09/13 03:55
qazxswptt: 很多成本 DC的基本盤是不錯的 只是對手有本事跟他耗 09/13 03:56
qazxswptt: 自己的開發成本也沒有控制好 結果不意外 但根本不是 09/13 03:57
qazxswptt: 街機遊戲的問題... 09/13 03:57
ishhabe: 淚推dc...莎木 瘋狂計程車 力量之石 音速小子 劍魂 當年 09/13 07:31
ishhabe: 都拼了好久啊~~~ 09/13 07:31
dukemon: 當時好像也有供貨量不足的問題? 09/13 11:13
jeff0811: scudrace都不出也是失敗原因 09/13 11:18
EDGE: SEGA從MK3/SMS時代就以街機移植當主打賣點, 09/13 15:10
msun: 當年玩瘋狂計程車玩到R鈕斷掉XD 09/13 20:41
qazxswptt: 第一版DC手把板機比較容易壞 後來有改善 09/13 22:17
sfzerox: DC真的是SEGA最熱情奔放的主機了 09/14 01:09
bye2007: 斑鳩居然沒入選 這個名單一看果然就是西方人選的遊戲類型 09/16 08:13