看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://byuu.org/ "Just when I thought I was out ... they pull me back in!" After 20 months of development, higan v095 is released at long last! The most notable feature is vastly improved Game Boy Advance emulation. With many thanks to endrift, Cydrak, Jonas Quinn and jchadwick, this release contains substantially improved CPU timings and many bugfixes. Being one of only two GBA emulators to offer ROM prefetch emulation, higan is very near mGBA in terms of accuracy, and far ahead of all others. As a result of these fixes, compatibility is also much higher than in v094. There are also several improvements to SNES emulation. Most significantly is support for mid-scanline changes to the background mode in the accuracy profile. Due to substantial changes to the user interface library used by higan, this release features yet again a brand-new UI. With the exception of video shaders and NSS DIP switch selection, it is at feature-parity with the previous UI. It also offers some new features that v094 lacked. The cheat code database has also been updated to the latest version by mightymo. Lastly, I will not be offering official 32-bit Windows binaries going forward. higan will technically build and run on 32-bit systems, but I am tired of having to jump through flaming hoops to update MinGW32's headers that haven't been updated since 1996. The 10% performance hit for running in 32-bit mode is also a significant deterrent. If anyone wants to take over 32-bit Windows builds, I'll happily link them from the higan downloads page. Note: I'm working on a new user guide to explain how to use higan and icarus. So if you have trouble using this release, check back here in a few days please. But essentially, you run icarus to import your games, and then higan to play them. It's a bit different from the direct integration of ananke with v094. == 簡單說..經過20個月的新版,明顯的進步是GBA SNES稍微改善一點 然後只有64bit版,需要32bit版的人或許要找其他地方有人願意接手編譯的 老樣子...他規定的rom排列格式似乎又有改變檔名方式 作法: 1.將平常使用的rom解壓縮,nes、snes都可以同時放進去 (檔名最好是已經用其他整理工具先命名過,而不是亂七八糟檔名) 假設臨時路徑 D:\1\ 2.執行 icarus.exe 路徑指向 D:\1\ 3.Select All 全打勾 , 按下 Import... 會將轉換過的 nes 自動放在 c:\Users\使用者帳號\Emulation\Famicom\ snes 自動放在 c:\Users\使用者帳號\Emulation\Super Famicom\ 4.臨時路徑 D:\1\ 用完就可以刪除了 nes與其說改變排列方式,其實就是原本記錄mapper檔頭資訊寫成 manifest.bml (純文字方式) 現在改成把nes檔頭16byte檔頭切出來為ines.rom 這幾年光這部分作者不知道改了幾次規則XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1444240883.A.D29.html
remina: 增加視窗n倍方式(總算)以前只能用拉的或設定檔手動鎖大小 10/08 02:05
remina: 有聲音狀態點選單也不會聽到刺耳卡住的聲音 10/08 02:06
Bellkna: 改名字就算了 ui真的不知道在搞啥鬼 10/08 20:36
choan: HiganShadersPack www.emu-france.com/?wpfb_dl=6993 10/08 22:51
letoh: 竟然用c++14開發,編譯器太舊一點還沒辦法編譯XD 10/09 02:19