看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.virtualbox.org/ * GUI: properly limit the number of VCPUs to the number of physical cores on Mac OS X (bug #15018) * Audio: fixed a bug which prevented loading a saved state of a saved guests with HDA emulation (5.0.12 regression; bug #14981) * Audio: don't crash if the backend is unable to initialize (bug #14960) * Audio: fixed audio capture on Mac OS X (bug #14386) * Storage: fixed a possible crash when attaching the same ISO image multiple times to the same VM (bug #14951) * BIOS: properly report if two floppy drives are attached * USB: fixed a problem with filters which would not capture the device under certain circumstances (5.0.10 regression; bug #15042) * ExtPack: black-list Extension Packs older than 4.3.30 due to incompatible changes not being properly handled in the past * Windows hosts: fixed a regression which caused robocopy to fail (bug #14958) * Linux hosts: properly create the /sbin/rcvboxdrv symbolic link (5.0.12 regression; bug #14989) * Mac OS X hosts: several fixes for USB on El Capitan (bug #14677) * Linux Additions: fixes for Linux 4.5 (bug #15032) ( ′-`)y-~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1453379207.A.A4B.html
rei196: ( ′-`)y-~ 01/21 22:19
snes9xw: 推 01/22 01:37