看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前陣子取消1.1版,作者說要沉寂幾天,今天終於又放出新版可以下載了 版本變成V1.2(beta),可能是有些建議他有接受沒接受之後慢慢改吧 多了乳搖King 角色可以選了(之前測試中影片) https://youtu.be/cGniQylacSU
然後好像還可以用這隻johnny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFg6_U_8xa0
下載位置 http://gamejolt.com/games/aof-trouble-in-southtown/108294 * v1.2 CHANGES * ****************************************** - completed the end game south town museum with all the things - added a new better song to the good ending - added king has playble character - challenges at tao tao cafe are now easier to beat enemies have less health - you can now fight angela belti in south_town_free_map when final challenge its complete - fixed and remade variours musics that had a lot of distrotion - replaced some level musics with better ones - adjusted all levels and enemies dificulty - enemies now walk slower show their health also shows the combo rush - some bosses are now more easy to beat and have less health - added a more small damage to all players attacks and more speed - added a new charge mp button to all players (attack3) see torurial - added a new freespecial kicks to kungfu yuri see tutorial - fixed mr karate down forward jump freespecial he now jumps less - added grenade punch to johnny see toturial - added pistol ground attack to johnny the machinegun - made small changes to the club kat levels you can now see less boobs - changed some levels front layers that were to much in front of the player - and i cant rebember the rest... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另外這個人好像玩完了之前1.0版本?(就是難度比較高的版本) 的Playthrough (BAD Ending) 他一共玩了13個 Part 每一段都好幾小時 @——@! 有興趣可以看一下 在OpenBor清單裡面 有點亂 Part1 http://tinyurl.com/hvguzgl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A-fEpJn2jA&list=PLR-VZVlhosGPxBiegovW68I5k0zDGmhGF&index=49
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1456225626.A.A4A.html ※ 編輯: BadGame (, 02/23/2016 20:18:37
conpo: 感謝分享 02/23 22:55
EDGE: 感謝分享! 02/23 23:39
BadGame: 之前因為再等修正 所以只有抓還沒玩過 看影片才知道 02/23 23:53
BadGame: 內容有夠龐大 真的不簡單.. 02/23 23:54
BadGame: 光開場就13分鐘了 02/23 23:57
BadGame: 又有Bug了回報 會當機 可能要等後續改版 02/28 14:53