看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Every single GameCube game can at least boot in Dolphin 5.0. Except one. Star Wars: The Clone Wars and its complex way of using the PowerPC Memory Management Unit rendered it unplayable in Dolphin up to this day. But finally as of Dolphin 5.0-540, this challenge has come and gone: Dolphin can finally boot every single GameCube game in the official library. So what makes Star Wars: The Clone Wars so special? To truly understand what's going on, you need to have some knowledge on how the PowerPC's processor handles memory management and how Dolphin emulates it. 其他詳見內文: https://de.dolphin-emu.org/blog/2016/09/06/booting-the-final-gc-game/ 模擬界值得紀念的一天 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1473334091.A.43D.html
djboy: 表示這遊戲被tune到極限 09/08 21:56
wenen: 下面說明蠻詳細的,來看一下無法模擬的原因在哪,評估一下 09/08 23:42
wenen: 要不要寫篇介紹~~ 09/08 23:42
higger: 這要是真能看懂 就不會到現在才ok 09/09 08:04
RuinAngel: 喔喔雖然對這遊戲沒興趣還是要推一下 09/09 09:32
RuinAngel: 看完內文了沒想到GC時期還有需要用這麼多巧思把主機操 09/09 09:37
RuinAngel: 到極限搾出效能... 09/09 09:37
johnny94: 其實不少現代3A大作還是有用一些奇技來榨取主機的效能啦 09/09 10:19
tint: 當年NGC的俠盜中隊也是把至主機硬體效能發揮極致 09/09 13:18
wenen: 看完、寫完了。簡單地說就是把BAT模擬做出來了 09/09 17:08
norlan17m: 感覺都在看論文期刊了 09/09 23:08
qazxswptt: 不簡單 09/09 23:14
chuck9: 記憶體管理實現了把不連續的當成連續在用,跟提升效能較無 09/10 05:45
chuck9: 關系~ 09/10 05:45