看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
很好又更新了(下載連結最文章最下面) 這是作者自己示範 Ver1.3的測試影片 流暢度真的很夠 Streets of Rage 2X - Update Version 1.3 https://youtu.be/TbZD1pWsJeI
Hello! Here goes one more update with some changes: - Added Max running sprites - Added regular enemies in Jet bosses stage - Added aerial recovery move - Added Rage move with weapons and one exclusive move with character favorite weapon - Added aerial special (heroes only, press special button in the air, same life cost) - Removed life attribute - Reduced HUD bars size - Changed enemies and bosses aggression, more balanced - Changed some graphic effects - Changed some sound effects - Changed damage from some attacks, more balanced - Changed Syndicate mode, now enemies and bosses attack each other too - Changed regular enemies riseinv to 0 - Delayed and added MP condition to the grenade throw from mounted bikers - Fixed k.o. bug count (wrong counter with 2 or more players) - Fixed throw damage bug (damage multiplier too high) - Fixed landframe bug (animation go to landframe early and don′t perform it correctly) - Fixed Jet degravity, dead, pull up and slam bugs - Fixed bootle broken bug in walls (bottle disappear if hit walls) - Fixed unmounted bikers bomb bug (throw a last grenade even after disappearing) - Fixed Abadede and Shiva target bug (go to wrong direction in animations with target) - Fixed Sammy grabfree after Rage move bug (grab can′t be canceled with Rage anymore) - Fixed rolling elevator bug in stage 7 (wrong grab moves in the end of the rolling elevator) - Optimized spawns in stages with elevators - Optimized food/weapon/item drops - Optimized some scripts (some are reduced, others are removed) - Optimized Rage red shadow effects to solve slowdown in Android - Updated how to play Download version 1.3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TZdy3WBst8wgPyAeM7V6-vXsDZIII0Ae I hope you enjoy! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1529769745.A.C9A.html
Bschord: 推 遊戲又進化了 06/24 00:48
oginome: 推!打擊感非常接近SORR了!很厲害! 06/24 06:23
holybless: 小兵偷吃烤雞 06/24 21:29
qazxswptt: 讚耶 06/24 21:44
qazxswptt: 武器技蠻酷的 06/24 21:46
EXIONG: 速度快的雙爪跟會飛的敵人太機車 大概9成的命是耗在這兩種 06/24 22:32
EXIONG: 敵人 玩的火氣有點上來 06/24 22:32
BadGame: 可參考作者打法 不過 他也是容易被BOOS連段血噴光 囧 06/25 00:41
conpo: 感謝分享 06/25 19:19