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2019.04.09 While bsnes has been in Higan for a long time, byuu has decided to offer a new version of bsnes but would have all the improvements in the HIGS SuperNES game. bsnes (new) is therefore a stand-alone Super Nintendo emulator, using Higan's SNES kernel but with a much faster multi-threaded PPU rendering engine. Performance should outperform old versions of bsnes in "balanced" mode while being as accurate. The bsnes project will also focus on ease-of-use (Editor's note: often blamed on Higan) by providing support for direct loading of ROM files, automatic gamepad mapping (if possible), support for the game. application of hotfixes, etc. In summary, bsnes is a Super Nintendo / Super Famicom emulator, which began its development on October 14, 2004. This is a higan subproject that focuses on performance, functionality and ease of use. use. – GUI: added high DPI support – GUI: fixed the state manager image preview – Windows: added a new waveOut driver with support for dynamic rate control – Windows: corrected the XAudio 2.1 dynamic rate control support [BearOso] – Windows: corrected the Direct3D 9.0 fullscreen exclusive window centering – Windows: fixed XInput controller support on Windows 10 – SFC: added high-level emulation for the DSP1, DSP2, DSP4, ST010, and Cx4 coprocessors – SFC: fixed a slight rendering glitch in the intro to Megalomania If the coprocessor firmware is missing, bsnes will fallback on HLE where it is supported, which is everything other than SD Gundam GX and the two Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi games. The Windows dynamic rate control works best with Direct3D in fullscreen exclusive mode. I recommend the waveOut driver over the XAudio 2.1 driver, as it is not possible to target a single XAudio2 version on all Windows OS releases. The waveOut driver should work everywhere out of the box. Note that with DRC, the synchronization source is your monitor, so you will want to be running at 60hz (NTSC) or 50hz (PAL). If you have an adaptive sync monitor, you should instead use the WASAPI (exclusive) or ASIO audio driver. Rappel: Etant donné que higan est en pleine restructuration, byuu a décidé de publier bsnes maintenant et d’attendre la v108 d’higan. Higan n’a pas é té arrêté, mais la prochaine version sera radicalement différente. https://byuu.org/ -- ポーラステーション http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1554897051.A.3D3.html