看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2019.07.10 NO$GBA as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DSi / DS Lite emulator and of course GameBoy Advance, for Windows XP, Vindows Vista / 7/8/10 or MS-DOS (for the DOS version). Options include all types of backups and multiple cartridges. NoGBA supports multiplayer & is able to load several NDS roms to "link" the games. The multiplayer for GBA is also supported. - wifiboot uploader: 3ds uploading media .firm files from no $ gba to 3ds - wifiboot uploader: new bootinfo block (icon / title and rtc / time) - wifiboot / help: added DS Wifi Dslink / Wifiboot Protocol chapter - 3ds / help: added notes on SD / MMC Signals and 3DS Hardmodding - 3ds / help: 3ds NWM driver wifi info (pool addresses and type1 / 4/5 variants) - 3ds / help: specs for CID / OTP / NCSD / FIRM sectors for 3ds - # .mmc and new3ds - # .mmc - setup: added 3ds / new3ds as nds variants mode (for debug view, not emulation) - 3ds / aes: supports keyinit by bootrom per otp (for filesys viewer) - 3ds / emmc: loaded from 3DS-1.mmc or New3DS-1.mmc (for filesys viewer only yet) - 3ds / bios: loaded from BIOS3DS.ROM (ARM9 + ARM11) or BIOS3DS9.ROM + BIOS3DS11.ROM - 3ds / help: added file / files info and arm11 mpcore / irq register specs - wifi / help: added several new details (mostly from newly dumped AR6014 rom) - a22i: supports abbrev ALU Rd, Rm, RotateShift (using Rd for both Rd and Rn) - wifi / help: added wifi-board pinouts from fccid, and 4kbyte-wifi-flash-specs - 3ds / crypt: supports sha256, sha224, aes-cbc, new keyscrambler (keyx / y) - filesys viewer: show / decrypt 3ds stuff (partitions and firm / sav blocks) - filesys viewer: faster directory loading (abort on first unused) http://problemkaputt.de/gba.htm -- ポーラステーション http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1562895033.A.BF0.html