看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2019.07.29 DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience when using a DualShock 4 on your PC, emulating an Xbox 360 controller, many games become accessible. – Custom Bezier curve implementation added by mika-n – Fixed updater not getting launched via auto update checker if updater version has not changed – Slowed down mouse wheel scrolling for analog stick – Added cmdline options to send start/stop/shutdown/LoadProfile/LoadTempProfile commands. Contributed by mika-n – Added support for matching using both program path and application window title values in auto-profile system. Contributed by mika-n – Added support for wildcard string match in auto-profile path and window title values. Contributed by mika-n – Fixed the image size issue in run program with profile app icon. Contributed by mika-n – Fixed some strings in pt-BR resx files – Tweaks to fix USB connections causing high CPU usage after waking PC from sleep https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/ -- ポーラステーション http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1564484408.A.599.html
FengLiDon: 好用,某版更新後開始支援模擬DS4,只是頗吃記憶體 XD 07/30 21:21
qazxswptt: 好用 但就像樓上說的負載太重 可能是非原生緣故 07/31 20:42
kashin: 春雄出國不要再po文啦~ 放心去玩 08/05 01:57
kashin: 我犯傻 春雄8/1才出國 ="= 08/05 01:58