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Dracula's Curse 2020 - youtube preview edition https://youtu.be/jp6Uv2-MNWs
v0.4.11b is released. What's new? 1. Select "Stage Layout 2" in options to play some stages exactly as they were previewed on Youtube years ago. 2. Some hidden stages now contain new bosses, never before seen in any 2D Castlevania game. Download links: Windows standalone (takes less space, runs from USB flash): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuquPlJ56YNDTdSVaiuunb1WdF2scFMH/view Windows installer (lauches a bit faster, music tracks and player sprites are external files, you may edit or replace them with whatever ones you like): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zzwYuvPVtVwguTT9Lsqo-MiC5A3_KNzo/view Android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L_tfK5hH-PtqDruL8gXi1Is9KxWyCaSQ/view ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 前一版v0.4.10b 是重大更新 隱藏關卡、隱藏BOSS 增加經典難度模式(例如 跳起來無法改方向) 具體參考之前影片 What-s new https://youtu.be/OqLPc3eWrwI
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if4: 推個 12/03 03:12