看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Street Fighter 2 Mix Update 1.3 https://youtu.be/kkHJwK_2o4Y
https://sf2mix.github.io/download.html Version 1.3 - Possibility to change characters during rounds by holding Start + corresponding button. - Decreased amount of Vigor lost when suffering any damage. - Escape from grabbed 1/3 bar of vigor. - P.guard Small recovery of Life + small recovery of Vigor. - Round start by default without random distances. - Classic scenarios against the CPU by default. - Full Mode - added starting at random distances. - Classic Mode - disables character switching and Full mode. - Blanka - Second Roling Attack 1/5 vigor bar. - Blanka - Extra Hit to Strong Punch. - Guile - Vertical Sonic Boom with more angle. - Chun-Li - Spinning Bird Kick - acerto Extra Hit when lifting the legs up. - Chun-Li - Double Kick fix bug transform in Kikouken. - Zanguief - Quick lariat going further and with Extra Hit. - Dhalsim - Extra hit for Yoga Flame. - Dhalsim - hitbox increase for medium punch and high kick from close range. - Balrog - hitbox increase for strong punch and down ligt punch. - Balrog - You can fly hold ← → 2 chutes. - Vega - punch damage increase and weak strength lowered. - Vega - Elemental Fire Claw Extra Hit for hard punching in the air. - Sagat - 2 hits for Close-Up Power Kicks. - Sagat - Tiger Uppercut adjusted collision box for weak and medium. - Bison - Air Psychocrusher 1/5 vigor bar. - Bison - hitbox increase for hard punch down. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1678465294.A.969.html
if4: 推! 03/12 21:53
rosemai1204: 這個很不錯,感謝分享 03/23 14:39