看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. How does she go to his house, by train or tram? 解答說要改What才對,但並沒說明為什麼 就我所知問方法不都用how即可? 頂多用which way,看不懂為何正確答案是what 2. A police officer claimed he had attempted to neglect paying his fare. 解答說只能用avoid,因為後面是動詞+ing 不過我查一下...neglect後也是可以接動詞+ing吧?! M-W辭典說常用是接to V,朗文辭典說兩者皆可 搜一些google兩種也都是有人在使用~ 3. Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if they would buy one of the histories when it were printed. 這句我只是直覺when是錯的,答案是要改if 因它考題方向是要考條件 (若它印好時) 但能改成副詞子句嗎? 意思是"當它印好時" 這樣的話後句能堅持用when子句嗎? 4. In despite of his wealth, he is keeping on working. despite = in spite of 可是我查到dictionary.com也有列出in despite of這片語 意思也和in spite of一樣 雖然只有它一家辭典有列啦...但這到底算不算能用的?!? 因照它的字源最早就是寫in despite of,是到後來大家才慢慢簡化為in spite of的 5. She had many interesting novels, five of which were brought in Taiwan. 答案是then 有關then這個可代替前面已說明過的詞的用法我稍微查一下 朗文辭典說是可代替前面提到的某事物來表看法~如例句: The result of all this activity, then, was that the government became unpopular. then = 前面說的那件事 不過我有疑問的是這個then到底算哪一種詞了? 名詞嗎...同位語? 不過辭典是將此用法編列到副詞條目底下... M-W辭典也有提到這個用法~ 但卻把它當形容詞看 (existing at or belonging to the time mentioned) She was appointed to the position by Connecticut's then governor. [=by the person who was Connecticut's governor at that time] 再回到我題目~ five of then = five of those novels 這樣then很明確不就變名詞了? 它可以真的直接這樣替換嗎??? 這樣是不是以後這種考題通通都可用then來代替了... 6. She loves to sing folk songs when she's free. 我一直搞不懂love後接不定詞跟動名詞的差別在哪裡... 但答案就是說要singing 其實還有滿多題的...先這樣好了~ 希望大大開導 謝謝! -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1421854556.A.CAA.html
lohaloha: 好奇你的考題出處是? 01/21 23:46
一本叫考來考去都是這些文法的書~ 但我覺得書內容本身就有些小錯誤 這些都是出自於書後練習題...
lohaloha: 第4個問題我想你就從善如流吧… 01/21 23:48
kubturub: 1我也覺得是how,2是詞義的問題,neglect忽視,avoid規避 01/22 00:02
dunchee: 1. 答案錯誤。How沒錯 01/22 00:03
恩恩~ 這就我安心了!
dunchee: 2. Longman線上版以及我手頭的光碟版沒提到neglect(動詞) 01/22 00:04
dunchee: 接 -ing 的用法。"Practical English Usage" by M.S.也只 01/22 00:04
dunchee: 提到neglect(動詞)接不定詞的用法,沒提到接 -ing 的用法 01/22 00:04
dunchee: google的話你要看出處(你搞錯 or 小朋友打屁文/英文不是 01/22 00:04
dunchee: 母語的人寫的/../..??),以及數量。不是"google有"就能當 01/22 00:04
dunchee: 依據。你換用 books.google.com 和 語料庫 01/22 00:04
dunchee: http://www.americancorpus.org/ 查看看 比如 01/22 00:05
dunchee: http://ppt.cc/zLFD 兩個例子的"neglect"是名詞 01/22 00:05
dunchee: 下次列出你找到的 links 方面驗證 01/22 00:05
這是我從朗文辭典手機拍 http://i.imgur.com/UIg3FL9.jpg
或許是它舊版了... 好吧! 我知道to V是絕對正確的~ 只是不喜歡碰到這種似是而非的考題 還好那個連結好酷! 感謝你~
kubturub: 4沒看過用in despite of,字典的意思應該是說這是古代用 01/22 00:06
kubturub: 法吧 01/22 00:06
dunchee: 3. 注意那個"were"(subjunctive) 要堅持用when的話: 01/22 00:08
dunchee: when it *was* printed 01/22 00:08
!!! 再次感謝
kubturub: 5和6我都覺得原本的句子沒問題耶 01/22 00:10
dunchee: 4. dictionary.com 下方的Collins部份有標註"rare" 01/22 00:18
dunchee: noun 3 ... (rare) ..... 另外也參考: 01/22 00:19
恩~ 這我也有看到... 我也會從善如流啦~ 真正寫作不會白目到故意去寫in despite of... 先再次感謝大家囉! ※ 編輯: orfan (, 01/22/2015 21:01:41