看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"I think that many candidates are taking exactly the right approach," Moore said. "Not backing down on fundamental convictions, and yet at the same time recognizing that we have to persuade people who disagree with us, not simply scream at them. I think that's a wise move." "Not backing down ... 它的主詞是什麼呢?謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1435442732.A.D18.html
kaifrankwind: many candidates 06/28 06:44
donvito: 是前面approach的補述 前後算同一句 06/28 10:39
donvito: 前面approach的補述 前後加起來才是一句 06/28 10:44
donvito: .....看不到自己推文 連推兩次sorry 06/28 10:45
如果前後是同一句,那麼 ...," Moore said. ...," Moore said, 用句點!?還是逗點也可以? 此外,第二句話的we是指誰? many candidates嗎? ※ 編輯: eebarry (, 06/29/2015 21:02:26
kaifrankwind: we應是指不特定所有人:任何意見不合的情況我們都要 06/29 21:15
kaifrankwind: 嘗試說服對方而不只是怒罵 而這當然也包含選舉時候 06/29 21:16
kaifrankwind: 可能腦補過了頭...總之指到candidates是一定的 06/29 21:20