看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
從賴氏英文文法書上看到這兩句句子 I am sorry that I cannnot attend your party. I am not sure whether he'll come. 書上是說,名詞子句亦可置於形容詞之後,此時即成副詞子句,修飾該形容詞 that I cannnot attend your party 當副詞子句,修飾 sorry(adj) whether he'll come 當副詞子句,修飾 sure(adj) 這種說法我無法理解,我看他長的就一副名詞子句樣, 1.that(無義)+直述句 2.whether(是否)<-yes/no question 改造而來(尤其還出現will) 怎麼會變副詞子句去,所以找了其他2種解釋 1. I am sorry (about) that I cannot attend your party. that I cannot attend your party當成已經省略介係詞about的受詞 所以屬於名詞子句,具有名詞類特性。 類似還有 I am sorry (about) that Tom should be so weak. I am glad (at) that you've made it. She is thankful (of) that her problem has been solved through your help. 第二句sure同上,I am not sure (of) ~~~~~ 2.旋元佑用同位格去解釋 EX I am afraid that I can't help you. 還原 1.I am afraid of that thing. 2.I can't help you. ->That thing是空洞的名詞,無義 ->That thing的內容就是 that I can't help you 重複 ->Of that thing 是可有有無的介係詞片語 合併造出->I am afraid that I can't help you. that I can't help you屬名詞子句,是that thing的同位格概念 第二句sure同上I am not sure (of) that~~~~~ 這兩種解釋我都能接受且理解,想問一下這種解釋有無問題???? 另外"純that"是否能當副詞子句的連接詞????? 而此時這個"純that"代表的意思是啥????? (副詞子句連接詞都該有義) 因為有看到當表結果 目的時可以用that當副詞子句的連結詞這說法, 但我去分析那些舉例的句子,that都是像 so~~~~~that~~~~(前面根本有個so) in order that(in order省略 留下that) so that (so省略 留下that) 沒有純that的句子, 是否表示只有名詞子句才有 that(無義)+直述句, 副詞子句則無 that(???)+直述句??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1436876764.A.CAD.html
dunchee: dunchee.blogspot.com/2011/07/tmp-a.html 07/14 22:06
CannonLake: 感謝解答 07/15 07:06