看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
整篇幫你改好了,懶得一個一個打 ※ 引述《aihosea (我在彰化*吃肉圓)》之銘言: : 英文寫作沒有很好,請大家幫忙改一下,謝謝 : Hello, 不要用Hello,改其他東西 還有信第一行不要用逗號結尾,請用冒號或句號 若這是作文的話你不應該把這個hello隔出來,請直接放到第一句裏面 Greetings, : I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is XXX. : I graduated from XXX University with Chemistry bachelor’s degree in : Chemistry. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is ______, and I graduated from ______ University with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry. : I had worked at Kitchen for 1 year and 6 months in Australia. Kitchen是機構名稱? 不是的話不要大寫 I had worked in Kitchen for one and a half years in Australia. 若kitchen不是專有名詞用這句 I had worked in a kitchen in Australia for one and a half years. : As a kitchen hand, I must have to learn everything as soon as possible. As a kitchen hand, I had to learn everything at the fastest pace possible. : I had to prepare the food for chef, to move the stuff. I had to prepare food for the chef, move items around, etc. : 我要準備食物,搬貨物。 : Besides, I was in charge of order the stuff or refund the wrong stuff. 你這裏用besides的意義不明,還有不要用or因為你兩個都有做 還有直接用refund的意思是你要"收回東西並退錢給別人",如果是你要退還訂錯的東西 那你應該要用像是request refunds Also, I was in charge of ordering supplies and (requesting refunds for / refunding) 看你選哪個 mispurchased orders. : The reason why I choose the Working holiday in Australia is earning more : money, knowing the different culture. The reason why I chose the Working Holiday program in Australia is to earn more money and acquaint myself with different cultures. : 除此之外,我要負責訂貨退貨。我選擇澳洲打工度假的原因是,賺錢,體驗 : 不同的文化。 : I had worked at XXX as an assistant engineer for almost 2 years. I had worked at _______ as an assistant engineer for almost two years. : The job is about to clean the machine, measure the vibration of the machine : and communicate with the Miss of assemble-line what is the proper time to : maintenance. 你講machine大家會讀的霧煞煞,可以的話請說的仔細一點 The job was to clean the machines, measure their vibrations, and communicate to the lady in charge of the assembly line on when to perform maintenances. : 我在某公司當助理工程師兩年。工作內容是清潔機台,量測機台的震度, : 和小姐交涉,在適當的時機,作機台保養。 : My strength is that I’m a fast learner, cautious and multi-tasking. : I hope I can join your team. My strength is in that I'm a fast learner, cautious while at the same time able to multi-task. I really hope I can join your team. : Thanks for your listening. 除非你要講出來,不然不要用listen,用個萬用的 Thank you for your time. 就好,還有thanks有點太口語了,應該要避免 : 我的優點是學得很快,細心謹慎、可以多工處理。 我覺得這篇就算你用中文寫同樣的內容也會稍嫌太簡單 可以複雜一點或更有感情會好一點 --
a411112000:前幾天我熱水器壞掉,房東請人來修07/06 23:43
Roobamm:然後下午有敲門,我很自然的就去開門07/06 23:45
k820:你也知道,在宿舍只穿一條____是很合理的07/06 23:46
chshsnail:誰知道這麼剛好,那個修熱水器的大叔竟然帶著他女兒07/06 23:46
nrtuzumaki:一起來。開門的瞬間我就看到那位小女孩快速地轉頭過去07/06 23:46
MrPigYa:然後嘴巴吐出了 "阿..變態" 兩字。07/06 23:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1437067794.A.564.html
allenh0728: 像簽名檔一樣複雜嗎? 07/17 06:13
joecrazy: 這裡的小姐 是operator嗎? 07/17 15:41
joecrazy: 科技業似乎偏向用calibrate這個字 07/17 15:43
calibrate是調整機器的精準度,像是把磅秤歸零這種 原po只是紀錄刻度而已,加上我不想動太多字,所以這樣修 ※ 編輯: softseaweed (, 07/17/2015 15:53:34
joecrazy: 我知道差別啊 只是fab裡很喜歡這樣用 07/17 19:13
joecrazy: 想說如果是講給同行的 好像這個字他們比較喜歡吧 07/17 19:15
joecrazy: 以前用measure結果裡面的人聽不懂 07/17 19:16
softseaweed: 呃 那比起calibrate我會用record 07/17 19:39
aihosea: 我怕太複雜的話,很難記得熟 07/18 21:13
aihosea: 面試韓商,結果突然要英文自介,嚇死我了 07/18 21:13
alisaya: one and a half year不必加s 07/19 10:05
softseaweed: 那要看你怎麼看year這個單字 兩種都有人用 07/19 10:07