看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻譯時跳脫跟原文1:1的翻法是個很好的思考模式,可以多想想 ※ 引述《RevanKai (GLAV)》之銘言: : 大家好,我寫了一個詞想翻成英文的 : 但是自己本身不是英文相關科系,英文也不是到很強 : 想說不知道能不能來這邊問問看,自己中翻英有沒有哪裡翻錯的地方~ : Hunger and toil darken my sight cruelly : 飢餓與勞苦黯淡了視線 Hunger and toil darkened my sight cruelly很不需要 : Utopia tell a lie,we will get blessed but… : 烏托邦的幸福,終究是個謊言(背叛) The bliss of Utopia is a lie at its core 這邊的but這樣讓句子懸空會應該會讓全球英文老師集體落淚 : Don’t you see the thin and weak die on the road? : 你曾看到那虛弱的人們死在路旁? Have you seen the fragile lie breathless on the road? : How many people get killed by injustice? : 有多少平民含冤而死? How many have died through injustice? : False and exaggerating ideal(future) has been broken : 虛假的言語和誇大的理想已經破滅 False words and bloated ideals undone : Why should I keep on believing your word? : 叫我該如何繼續相信你說的? How would you have my faith? : Family have been no smile anymore : 家人已經不再露出笑容過 The family lost their smiles : Friends frowned and no longer expect morn. : 朋友們也不再期待明天 and the friends lost their hopes : Can I see the next sunshine when I wake up tomorrow? : 我還可以見到朝陽在我醒來的隔天嗎? Can I wake to the dawn next day? : If only all of these just a nightmare. : 但願一切都只是個噩夢 If only it were a nightmare : Twilight has risen.The determine of awake from incubus is : 暮光已經升起,從惡夢中醒來的決心是 幕光通常代表黃昏時刻的太陽光,不過你硬要這樣用也無非不可 incubus雖然字典裡寫夢魘,不過實際上是男魅魔,在女性睡夢中強制發生關係的惡魔 Twilight shone, and the end of nightmare marked a resolution : “Never being fear authority” : 不再畏懼任何權勢 Fear the authority no more : We will cultivate frail happiness by ourselves : 幼小(孱弱)的幸福,我們將自力悉心栽培 The frail happiness we shall nurture ourselves : Without consign anyone : 部在假手任何人 consigning to no others : Era of deceive has been end : 欺騙的時代已經結束 The era of deception has ended : Dark finally will perish. : 邪惡的勢力終將滅亡 The dark will perish : 請多多指教:D --- ... --
a411112000:前幾天我熱水器壞掉,房東請人來修07/06 23:43
Roobamm:然後下午有敲門,我很自然的就去開門07/06 23:45
k820:你也知道,在宿舍只穿一條____是很合理的07/06 23:46
chshsnail:誰知道這麼剛好,那個修熱水器的大叔竟然帶著他女兒07/06 23:46
nrtuzumaki:一起來。開門的瞬間我就看到那位小女孩快速地轉頭過去07/06 23:46
MrPigYa:然後嘴巴吐出了 "阿..變態" 兩字。07/06 23:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1456404614.A.168.html
hsheng: 很強,已拜服~02/25 21:51
RevanKai: cruelly是音節不夠拿去填的 囧02/25 22:28
RevanKai: Bless我以為比較偏向祝福,happniess偏向快樂02/25 22:29
RevanKai: 英文最明確指幸福的是bless嗎?02/25 22:29
RevanKai: but是想學電影比較口語的說法02/25 22:31
RevanKai: "以為那烏托邦的理想,會帶給我們幸福,但是...."02/25 22:31
RevanKai: 的這種感覺不知道可不可以?02/25 22:31
mimi0254didi: 猛02/25 22:33
fakeID: See the fragile "lay"?02/25 22:40
fakeID: 而且家人family是"their" smiles吧?02/25 22:41
感謝 已修正
kee32: 不愧是駐板翻譯大王!02/25 22:48
※ 編輯: softseaweed (, 02/25/2016 22:54:53
dixhuit: 好厲害! 02/27 02:52