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※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 請問一下以下幾則笑話的笑點,括號是我的想法。謝謝! : -------------------------- : 1.PURE GENUS : Why aren't koalas actual bears? They don't meet the koalafications. : (為什麼無尾熊不是真的熊,因為他們沒有「無尾熊純化」....?) koalafications -> qualifications : --------- : 2.VOICE PROFILING : Men are attracted to women with a raspy voice. We think: Hey, maybe she's all : done yelling. : (男人會被聲音粗獷的女人吸引(會嗎?)但她可能常大叫....?) 男人會被聲音沙啞的女人吸引。因為我們覺得她可能已經尖叫完了。 英文聽起來比較順 中文沒有那個感覺 : --------- : 3.THIRSTY WORK : Max the baby camel walks into his parents' room at 3am and asks for a glass : of water. : "Another one?" says his dad. "That's the second glass this month." : (笑點是跟駱駝的雙峰有關嗎....?) 笑點很低的笑話 這個月拿第二杯水就被說拿太多 : -------- : 4.CRIMINALLY INCLINED : A policeman pulled me over last night. He said, "You've got a headlight out, : your rear tyre is completely flat, you've got an open drink in your hand and : you're not wearing a seat belt!" : I said, "I'll see you tomorrow then." : "What's that supposed to mean," he demanded. : I said, "Hang on a minute, pal. I'm on the phone." : (警察盤問駕駛,最後發現他是在講電話,笑點是....?) 警察漏看了原來他還邊開車邊講電話 : ----- --
a411112000:前幾天我熱水器壞掉,房東請人來修07/06 23:43
Roobamm:然後下午有敲門,我很自然的就去開門07/06 23:45
k820:你也知道,在宿舍只穿一條____是很合理的07/06 23:46
chshsnail:誰知道這麼剛好,那個修熱水器的大叔竟然帶著他女兒07/06 23:46
nrtuzumaki:一起來。開門的瞬間我就看到那位小女孩快速地轉頭過去07/06 23:46
MrPigYa:然後嘴巴吐出了 "阿..變態" 兩字。07/06 23:47
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1457067454.A.217.html
scju: 感謝!不過第二則說「已經尖叫完」的笑點是說剛罵完人,所以 03/04 21:39
scju: 現在沒有聲音再罵人,很安全的意思嗎? 03/04 21:39
softseaweed: 這還是自己慢慢理解吧 已經不是英文不英文的問題了 03/05 13:33
softseaweed: 笑點不懂的人就是不會懂 03/05 13:33
wohtp: 但是我說樓上,yelling大概真的是對人歇斯底里發飆的意思 03/06 11:58
wohtp: 通常你想的叫法不太用yell來表達 03/06 11:59
softseaweed: 一體多面 沒啥好說的 03/06 19:59