看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You need to prepare these ingredients: -Two eggs -One scallion (chopped and separated into white segments and green segments) -Five plums -Rice left overnight, has to be cold 1. Scramble the eggs and set it aside in a bowl 2. Fry the white scallion in your pan 3. Put the rice into the pan 4. Add the scrambled eggs in 5. Season with some salt and add in the plums 6. Garnish the rice with the green scallion ※ 引述《danny901203 (Danny)》之銘言: : Plum Fried Rice : You need to prepare these ingredients : two eggs,one scallion, five plums, over cooked-rice(隔夜飯)→it has to be cold : 1.Make the scrambled egg and dish it in the bowl : 2.Dry white scallion : 3.Put the rice in the pot : 4.Put the scrambled egg in the pot : 5.Flavor some salt and put plums in the pot : 6.Drop some green scallion to decorate the fried rice : 7.finish : 請各位幫我看一下單字或文法有沒有什麼問題,或是有更好的用法! : 謝謝! : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my Acer S53. -- Because the flower will bloom for somebody... Welcome to the Eiden's Island! A place to find what you want! However, those can take only one... only one... so decide what's you only one! *Edelweiss by Overdrive -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1458138332.A.A8D.html
sber: 這篇好多了。不過,我不知道是不是有哪個地區比較常講 03/17 01:59
sber: scallion,但是在北美,青蔥在超市都是寫green onion。紅蔥 03/17 01:59
sber: 頭的話倒是寫red scallion。我覺得在第二步應該要加上油的指 03/17 02:01
sber: 示,寫 Heat some oil in the pan. Fry the white part of 03/17 02:01
sber: green onions untill tender but avoid browning. 03/17 02:02
sber: 第三步也是加了然後呢?應該要加上Sautee the rice until 03/17 02:03
sber: the grains are loose. 或 untill the grains don't stick 03/17 02:04
sber: together. 第四部加完也應該要再翻炒一下吧。還有一個問題是 03/17 02:05
sber: 你的梅子是什麼樣的梅子?是新鮮的?是乾貨的?是有糖粉的? 03/17 02:06
sber: 這是我就一個以煮飯的人的立場有的疑問...整棵梅的話不用先 03/17 02:07
sber: 切就整個進去嗎?而且第五步加了梅子以後感覺就起鍋了,梅子 03/17 02:07
sber: 有被煮到嗎? 03/17 02:07
danny901203: 梅子要用的是梅乾,最後加入梅乾後,我只要翻炒一下 03/17 06:29
danny901203: 就好了 03/17 06:29
danny901203: 如果我要用的是整顆的梅子 03/17 07:02
danny901203: Take out the seeds of the plums and cut the pulp 03/17 07:02
danny901203: of the plums into small 03/17 07:02
danny901203: 這樣用法可以嗎? 03/17 07:02
sber: 梅乾的話寫dried plum。整顆的梅子寫fresh plum,pitted and 03/17 07:06
sber: diced. (or cut into cubes) 你是認真要寫食譜的話建議 03/17 07:07
sber: 你多看看正式的食譜寫法,看一下每一個步驟的過程怎麼寫比較 03/17 07:07
sber: 好。甚至你好奇梅子通常怎麼處理,可以搜尋梅子相關的食譜看 03/17 07:08
sber: 一下 http://www.foodnetwork.com/topics/plum.html 03/17 07:08
sber: 東西不同切法都有固定講法,最好先搞清楚 03/17 07:11
sber: http://goo.gl/wXUsj6 03/17 07:11
sber: 還有飯量是多少呢?完全不懂的人也不會知道你這是要配一杯 03/17 07:14
sber: 米還是一鍋米呀... 你最好一此從頭到尾好好想過一次你的 03/17 07:15
sber: 步驟,邏輯完善了再來把英文寫好。 03/17 07:15
sber: 順帶一提,中間是一大顆子這類型的水果叫stone fruit,中間 03/17 07:20
sber: 的子不會直接稱seed,而是pit,去掉這種籽,像使用櫻桃常常 03/17 07:21
sber: 做的動作叫做to pit,工具叫pitter http://goo.gl/9pqiwv 03/17 07:23