看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,在新聞網頁看到的,講國籍的事情 The ministry also said that the number of people who became naturalized ROC citizens last year dropped to 3,612, from 4,399 the previous year, mainly because inter-racial marriages involving mostly foreign women marrying Taiwanese men have declined in recent years. Taiwan's move to step up interviews of inter-racial couples to deter bogus marriages has been one reason for the decline. Strong economic growth in developing countries has also led more women there to choose to stay in their own country rather than marry Taiwanese men and move to Taiwan. --- 主要想問最後一句的than marry,是不是應該是than marrying或 than to marry? 因為我記得介系詞後面要接名詞類。 順便請問,介系詞後面除了動名詞外,能接不定詞嗎? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1460187033.A.3BE.html
jtmh: choose to V1 rather than (to) V2 04/09 17:38
jtmh: 建議查一下 rather than 相關例句用法 04/09 17:39
感謝! 原來是 to choose to (stay rather than marry) 我一開始以為是 to choose (to stay rather than to marry)
dunchee: 不是介係詞 04/09 19:44
dunchee: ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=rather+than 04/09 19:45
看起來是連接詞囉,thanks! ---- 追問一下,看到辭典有這兩個例句: I chose to sing rather than play an instrument. 這一個可以理解,就是我上面問的那個句型 Rather than continue the argument, she walked away. 這一個就不懂了,怎麼會第一個動詞用原形,後面卻用過去式? 如果是這樣寫我還可以理解 Rather than continue the argument, she chose to walk away. (也就是上面第一個例句的順序顛倒) 或者 Rather than continuing the argument, she walked away. (Rather than當介系詞,後面用動名詞continuing) 請教一下,謝謝! ※ 編輯: scju (, 04/09/2016 21:18:07
vincentman: Rather than放句首的時候比較特別,可以接動名詞(像 04/09 21:52
vincentman: 介係詞)或不帶to的不定詞。http://goo.gl/faOCru 04/09 21:53
dunchee: http://tinyurl.com/jsqrrhd -> 1 ...注意看說明(有特定 04/09 22:07
dunchee: 的表達意思) 此處的 infinitive form of verb 指的是 04/09 22:07
dunchee: (例句的)bare infinitive(沒有to的...)。台灣一般是講"原 04/09 22:08
dunchee: 形動詞" http://tinyurl.com/znc9bvl 04/09 22:08
dunchee: 你可以自己想成那是"Rather than (chose to) continue .. 04/09 22:32
dunchee: ."(所以你的想法倒是相差不遠) Note:這只是個"方便", 04/09 22:32
dunchee: 我不是在說這已經是個證實過的文法來源 (我自己的話是直 04/09 22:32
dunchee: 接懂整體意思(我沒有經過這步驟),"回頭"來看的話,這種 04/09 22:32
dunchee: 過渡性質的輔助(記憶/了解法?)倒也是可行) 04/09 22:33
scju: 感謝! 04/10 09:46
回D大,再看了一下http://tinyurl.com/znc9bvl這個網頁, 發現還是沒有講得很清楚,裡面這樣寫的: So, your sentence 5 could be a) He watched TV rather than do his homework. b) He watched TV rather than doing his homework. Quirk would describe rather than in Sentence a) as a quasi-coordinator ("conjunction" in the Collins COBUILD); rather than in sentence b), as a preposition. ----- a) He watched TV rather than do his homework. 這句前後時態不一樣,怎麼能說rather than是conjunction呢? 或許真的只能理解為 He watched TV rather than do his homework. 原本是 He chose to watch TV rather than do his homework. (我查辭典的例句,這類句型都是寫「某人chose to XX rather than XX」 ) 為了要簡潔,所以把chose to省略; 又因為省略了chose to,但還是要表達這是發生在過去的事,所以watch必須用過去式。 這是我的一點想法。 ------ 整理一下V大給的網址內容: rather than 既可當作對等連接詞亦可用作介系詞: 1.當連接詞時,後面的動詞須用不定詞(可帶 to 或不帶to) 2.當介系詞時,後面可接動名詞 I decided to stay at home rather than (to) go/going to the cinema. (我寧願待在家裡也不要去看電影) 另外, rather than位於句首時,後接通常省略 to 的不定詞 (但亦可接動名詞)。因此: Rather than cause trouble, he left. 也可寫成 Rather than causing trouble, he left. 再參考 http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/rather "Rather than" usually occurs between two things which are being compared. However, we can also use it at the beginning of a sentence. When we use "rather than" with a verb, we use the base form or (less commonly) the -ing form of a verb: Rather than pay the taxi fare, he walked home. (or Rather than paying the taxi fare, he walked home.) ※ 編輯: scju (, 06/16/2016 23:35:26