看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,請問一下。 這篇文章出自李顯龍臉書: https://www.facebook.com/leehsienloong/?fref=nf Congratulations to Murali Pillai on his win! Thank you, Bukit Batok voters, for your strong support. You have chosen an MP who is committed, trustworthy, and will go the extra mile for you. Murali and his team have campaigned hard, but now their real work begins. He has served faithfully in Bukit Batok for many years, and with your support, will serve residents for many more. Thank you to all the activists and volunteers who helped Murali campaign. This is not just a win for Bukit Batok, but shows all Singaporeans, and others too, that the government and people are united in building a better nation together. - LHL -------- 最後一段倒數第二行....,that the government and people are united.. 不是說that前面不能用逗號嗎?我想這裡是不得已,為了要區辨句意; 但這裡的that的前行詞應該是逗號前那一整句,難道不能用which嗎? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1462638527.A.118.html ※ 編輯: scju (, 05/08/2016 00:30:47
linchangray: 試著把 ,and others too, 拿掉再讀看看 05/08 00:33
kaifrankwind: 這個that不是關代 05/08 01:04
感謝二位,我理解了QQ 如果拿掉 ,and others too, 會發現 This is not just a win for Bukit Batok, but shows all Singaporeans that the government and people are united in building a better nation together. 這個that引導的是名詞子句,當show的受詞。 也就是說,這裡的that不是連接形容詞子句的關係代名詞, 而是引導名詞子句的從屬連接詞, 當然也就不受that當關係代名詞時前面不能有逗號的限制了。 謝謝! ※ 編輯: scju (, 05/08/2016 08:33:03