看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,小弟不才在念英文時, 遇到這個單字:garnishee,第三債務人 他的翻譯是:a person who has been ordered not to pay a debt to the person to whom it is owed but instead to a third party who is the creditor of the creditor。 想請教大家,這段英文釋義的翻譯,要怎麼樣拆解才會比較好理解與閱讀? 謝謝大家。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1477817112.A.C67.html
dharma720: 叫債務人付錢給債權人的債權人。A欠B錢,B欠C錢,叫A 10/30 17:26
dharma720: 直接把錢還給C 10/30 17:26
ChiehKuo: 我的理解跟一樓一樣~ 10/30 17:38
ChiehKuo: 可以斷句在towhom it is owed 10/30 17:39
ChiehKuo: 我重新講一次好了:a person(A) who has been ordered n 10/30 17:47
ChiehKuo: ot to pay a debt to the person(B) to whom (B) it(債) 10/30 17:47
ChiehKuo: is owed but instead to a third party(C) who(C) is " 10/30 17:47
ChiehKuo: the creditor of the creditor."(B債權人的債權人) 10/30 17:47
ChiehKuo: 抱歉這個重複打字的狀況...不知道為什麼會這樣 10/30 17:54
doubleplaytw: 非常謝謝樓上二位 10/30 21:50
ChiehKuo: 不會喔!推有禮 10/30 22:54