看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
版上各位大神好! 小弟剛剛讀新英看到一段如下 The man struggled to escape the tigger's grasp with help from his friend, 「at which point」 a zoo employee heard screams and came to their assistance. 小弟的疑問在於這個 at which point 是如何化簡來的? 感覺at which 感覺是關係副詞,可是如果是這樣也不會放在先行詞point前面 還是是這樣子變過來的 at the point at which ... (自己亂猜測... 還是其實只是個固定用法? 囧 感謝大神解惑! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1480426180.A.A56.html
Soulchild: 原本at that point因為沒連接詞=> at which point 11/29 21:41
sunny1991225: 以前碰到這個用法時我問外國朋友他們是說可以當成 11/29 23:15
sunny1991225: and at the moment來理解 11/29 23:16
sunny1991225: 就跟一樓講的一樣,後一句照正常寫法應該是會寫成 11/29 23:17
sunny1991225: a zoo employee heard screams......at that point. 11/29 23:17
sunny1991225: 要把兩句接起來的話,或者用對等連接詞(and) 11/29 23:18
sunny1991225: 或者將at which point當作關係詞,然後前半句的整句 11/29 23:19
sunny1991225: 話發生的那個"point"就變成at which point的先行詞 11/29 23:20
sunny1991225: 了 11/29 23:20
xavier113: 非常清楚感謝兩位大大! 11/30 10:22