看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
此板首Po,希望能學一點東西 最近買了Anna Kendrick的自傳 Scrappy Little Nobody 內容很詼諧可是很用法很難懂 看到現在有兩句看不太懂 第一句:Being judgmental was really taking me places. 請問這句該怎麼翻?而且take somebody's places是什麼意思阿? 第二句:I still try to be serious,but apathy has become a part of me now in a way that my six-year-old self couldn't have foreseen. I've never been able to muster the righteous indignation of my elementary school years. 這句我每個單詞都懂,可是翻不出應該有的語意,求各位幫忙 手機排版,見諒 in a way 和to muster是分開的 可是不知道為什麼我怎麼修都連在一起QQ,抱歉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1482063619.A.E69.html ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 20:21:11 ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 20:22:11 ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 20:22:56 ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 20:24:08 ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 20:25:19 這段Amazon的試閱有,所以我想我把整段打上來應該沒差吧? My animal instincts knew she was The Alpha,and I needed to think fast to impre ss her. "Oh," I said, "Dan...in the front seat.I know him" I'd "known" Dan since eight o'clock that morning, but admitting I was friendle ss seemed like it would be worsen than lying, so I took the risk.Then I had a terrifying thought: What If she talk to Dan next? I continued. "I know Dan,but..." I lean in. "He's kind of weird." "Oooh." She nodded her head in recogntion. Being judgmental was really taking me places.She narrowed her eyes. "We won't play with him"
teddyisgood: 武斷把我取代?12/18 21:26
teddyisgood: 我試著嚴肅但是冷漠已然變成我的一部分,有某種方式12/18 21:37
teddyisgood: 使六歲的我無法去預見12/18 21:37
teddyisgood: 對了我想順便問一下12/18 21:38
teddyisgood: 你翻不出來是懂意思的分不出來就像中文一樣還是無法 12/18 21:39
teddyisgood: 了解意思12/18 21:39
bloedchen: 第一個:讓我達到某個目的(吧?)我猜的...要看前後12/18 21:46
bloedchen: 文才知道12/18 21:46
※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/18/2016 22:01:04
Soulchild: 但現在內心一部份的我已變成六歲的我也料想不到的冷漠 12/18 22:44
Soulchild: 我再也無法像小學時代那樣動輒義憤填膺12/18 22:44
謝謝! ※ 編輯: DannyDrummer (, 12/20/2016 00:07:06