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※ 引述《scju (QQ)》之銘言: : 大家好,請教一下 : 在Practical English Usage 3rd寫道: : 177.7 comparative structures with 'as' and 'than' : 說明:We can leave out words after 'as' and 'than', if the meaning is clear. : 例句: : The weather isn't as good as last year. (= as it was last year.) : I found more blackberries than you. (= than you found.) : (請注意,這裡用的是「等號」) 請注意上面兩句的as 跟than都是連接詞 後接主詞與動詞 所省略的就是動詞或是主詞與動詞 : -------- : 581 'than' and 'as' as subjects, objects and complements : 說明:subjects: more than is necessary; as happened : 例句: : He worries more than is necessary. (NOT ... more than it/what is necessary.) : The train might be late, as happened yesterday. (NOT ... as it happened : yesterday.) : (請注意,這裡明確說出了「NOT」) than 跟as當主詞 後面當然接動詞 : -------- : 所以我就不太懂,為何同樣是as、than的比較結構,有時候主詞可以選擇要不要保留, : 有時候卻又非刪除不可?不曉得關鍵點在哪裡呢? 關鍵點在於"詞性"/文法腳色 As/than 當連接詞時,其後可以省略 1. 主詞+ 動詞 (主詞語動詞與主要子句一樣。Weather = it) The weather isn't as good as last year. (= as it was last year.) 2. 省略動詞,保留主詞(與主要子句的主詞不一樣,但動詞與主要子句的動詞一樣) I found more blackberries than you. (= than you found.) : 特別是這兩句: : The weather isn't as good as last year. (= as it was last year.) 理由同上 : He worries more than is necessary. (NOT ... more than it/what is necessary.) 這句的than是當主詞後面當然接動詞is (至於為何用is 不用are這點我不清楚 只能說 在這種情況下 母語人士都用is, 至於有沒有thna當主詞後面動詞用複數動詞 的情況,那就要再深入研究了,目前我是沒看到過,但不代表沒有) 如果改成 He worries more than his girl firend (worries). 這時候就可以省略 後面的worries 或是 He worries more than he should. 這句話 我覺得 後面都不要省比較好 (因為前後主詞雖然一樣但後面的動詞不一樣) : 這兩個it應該都和前面代指的事情重複何一個可以保留,一個一定要刪除? : 謝謝! : PS 此篇有同步貼在英語論壇,若有回應,會將內容張貼過來,和大家一起討論。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1505735675.A.ED1.html
scju: 感謝您! 09/18 21:44