看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Danny0828 (danny)》之銘言: : 釣魚有90%的時間在等待, : 等待可能在烈日、大雨、大風中渡過, : 而另外10%是在與魚搏鬥, : 魚的天性能夠知道岸上有掠食者而躲起來, : 因此,垂釣者必須隱身成為湖畔的一部分。 Ninty percents of your time are waiting after you wrote a shitpost. There would be mocking, teasing and blaming as you wait. You'll take the chance to expect an answer in other ten percents. It's a common sense that people will judge you severely. That is why a shitposter must learn to use Google translator at the first palce. 好久沒碰英文了,請大家不吝指教~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 看到你翻的版本了 哈哈 when people are waiting, it take 90% of fishing time waiting. While the other 10% of fishing time is in the fight with fish. People will possibly bear hot sun, heavey rain or wind when fishing. Since Lake fish can feel if there are predators on the shore, so that they can hide. Fishing people must stealth to become one part of the lake. 個人感覺你太堅持逐字翻譯了, 例如people will possibly bear.....,可以轉為there would be sun blazing, rain pouring or wind blowing. 甚至不太變換語句順序,例如Since Lake fish那一句 而且冗字有點多,例如when people are waiting的are可以刪掉 中英文是不同的語言,除非有特別要求否則依據語文來稍微調整應該是有必要的~ 然後簡單的文法錯誤也要注意 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1508819455.A.744.html ※ 編輯: zyxx (, 10/24/2017 12:50:21
eddier: 推原汁原味又精確的翻譯 10/24 13:17
towierc: 很有幫助!謝謝囉 10/24 13:39
ChiehKuo: xd 10/24 14:04