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※ 引述《ckscks178 (奇蒙子資本主義社會 教育)》之銘言: : Although the name sounds pretty serious, the condition typically______. : A isn't : B doesn't : C couldn't : D wouldn't : 看到這題第一個反應是選了 B : 可是答案是A Many people at some point in life have white spots on their fingernails. One of the most common causes for these little white spots is a condition called leukonychia. Although the name sounds pretty serious, the condition typically 16 . And while many people think the white spots are caused by a calcium or zinc deficiency, that’s generally not the case. In reality, these spots most often develop 17 mild to moderate trauma to your nail. If you can’t think of anything that would have injured your nail, consider the fact that nails grow very slowly, so the injury 18 weeks before the spots ever appeared. The spots could also be a sign of a mild infection or allergy, or a side effect of certain medications. 19 the source of the injury, these spots typically do not require any treatment and should go away as your nail grows out. And they should not return unless you suffer another injury to a nail. However, this generally 20 when only a single or a few nails are affected. If all of your nails are showing white spots, the leukonychia could be related to another more serious condition such as anemia, cardiac disease, diabetes, or kidney disease. 【題組】16. (A) isn’t (B) doesn’t (C) couldn’t (D) wouldn’t -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1536763103.A.9F3.html