看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ostracize (bucolic)》之銘言: : 4句都對! : : 2. 文法解答: : : I wasn't at home last night, and I'm probably not going to be at home : : tonight either. : : 但我認為是: ~ I probably am not going to be ~ .不知道我有沒有說錯?! : 確定性副詞: probably, certainly, definitely, clearly, obviously。 : He has probably arrived by now. (英國英語一般用法) : He probably has arrived by now. (英國英語強調用法,美國英語一般用法) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 那麼否定句ㄋ?! 我的文法書說: 1.在直述句中:助動詞 + probably 2.在否定句中:probably + 助動詞 for 1. Paul will probably be in class tomorrow.或 Paul is probably going to be in class tomorrow. for 2. Anna probably won't be in class tomorrow.或 Anna probably isn't going to be in class tomorrow. (所以我認為是:~ I probably am not going to be ~) *be goint to 中的"be"是視作助動詞嗎?! has arrived 中的"has"也是助動詞嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1551371743.A.07A.html