看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
你現在問題癥結是思考方式。 首先釐清,你寫的是論說文,所以你要說服讀者你說的是正確的真理,但是甚麼是真理呢 ?其實世界上沒有真理,只有作者的自圓其說。然後社群專業同儕檢驗,你的論點在言論 市場中競爭,看能不能幸運出線。再繼續探討下去會講更深的哲學,但是目前這樣就夠了 ,先就此打住。 英文寫作思考方式其實就是綱舉目張,正反合。大論點底下一定要有(相關的)小論點去支 撐。你談的所有梗一定都有正反兩面,然後激盪衝突以後會有新的真理(合,暫時性)出現 ,之後無限循環下去,所以真理是屬於一種不斷革命論,然後隨時間典範會移轉(但是你 一個普通人走不到這一步),你現在要玩的就是這樣的遊戲。看到這邊你可以想一想為何 你的寫作課程是叫做argument essay。這就是一種學術訓練的方式,藉由思考、思辨、自 己跟自己打架、自己跟外在世界打架,不斷在正反合的循環裡激盪,然後勇敢的用你的腦 跟手同心協力把它寫出來,成為一個真實的勞動成果。 你主題是關於性別,那就找出三個梗:A、B、C來講,但是每個梗在現今市場上一定會有正 反(或陰陽或黑白或上下或高低...)的論述,所以你要把你找到的證據在文章主體裡表達 成這樣: A的 正VS反 小結A(合) B的 正VS反 小結B(合) C的 正VS反 小結C(合) 最後你在整個文章的大結論裡,看是要捧哪個多一點,貶哪個多一點,然後自行宏觀調控 之後說出自己總結的結論。 你這樣做的話,你的老師才看得出你的(正-反-合)思辯過程,至於是不是真的真理他不在 乎,他只在乎你是怎樣建構你自己的真理出來,若他認可了,就表示你有獨立思考的能力 (這很重要),人類文明才有繼續解放演進的可能。 我發現你心底是在"贊成女生赤膊"跟"為什麼女生被認為不能赤膊"中打轉走不出來。 建議你內容就只專心探討前者就好,把支持你的論點找出來, 跟反對你的論點也找出來,然後把製造的稻草人往死裡打, 得出應該要讓女人打赤膊的結論。 ※ 引述《D122 (小黑球)》之銘言: : 如題 小弟最近在外國讀語言學校 : 雖然是語言的不同 文法 用詞習慣讓我寫英文文章一直受到挫折 : 但最近寫Argument Essay一直跟老師有疑惑的點對不上 : 以下是小弟目前草稿 : Gender Topless Equality : Have you ever thought that it is strange that only men can be topless? : In : fact, the attitudes toward women’s bodies are still conservative. For : example, social media, like Instagram, prohibits any pictures with women’s : nipples, but Instagram requires “every” user to wear clothes. In 2015, Adda : Smardottir, a student, held the activity “Free the nipple”. She argued with : the unfair standard of social media. In short, currently, some people still : cannot accept topless women, but actually, bare breasts are not as bad as : most people think, and this argument can be made on three sides, gender : equality, social media, and patriarchy. : Gender topless equality is really a part of gender equality. In our : daily : life, women always wear bras and cover their breasts. Some people think that : it is common, while some people think that it is illogical. Steinfeld (2017) : claimed that women have totally different opinions to whether they can show : their breasts. These differences depend on how they were born and grew up. : Most of all, it is true that attitudes toward genders, especially when : topless, are not equality. However, Steinfeld (2017) showed that in some : cultures around the world, like aboriginal communities, women go topless to : this day. Hence, topless women might not be bad as some people think, and not : every person can not accept topless women. Actually, male and female breasts : are similar in composition, and breasts are just parts of people, but society : just rejects women’s breasts. It is unreasonable, and the right of topless : really belongs to women. Only when women really have the right to decide : whether they show their breasts, Gender equality will exist. : In social media, pictures with topless women are not allowed to be : posted. : Wheeling (2015) showed that Facebook and Instagram have the double standard : when judging pictures with bare humans, and many users’ accounts are closed : due the rule of posting pictures. Moreover, Steinfeld (2017) claimed that the : reason why Facebook banned the topless pictures is that Facebook thought that : some audiences may be sensitive to the pictures. It is necessary to consider : users’ positions. However, Fischtein (2015) mentioned that people aged 60 : and over were least accepting of female topless behavior. It is because older : people tend to be more conservative. It means that the most main users of : social media, younger peoples, accept topless women more than older people. : For another, Steinfeld (2017) claimed that the laws of public indecency are : nebulous, so people can explain them in their own ways. In conclusion, the : reason why Facebook banned users is not very reasonable, because just : minority users can not accept pictures with topless women, but they really : have a choice to reject them. In addition, to argue this controversial : phenomenon, artists created the image of “an acceptable nipple”, a male : nipple for people to paste it on their topless pictures. : Hundreds years ago, people were in a patriarchy. Wheelng (2015) also : claimed : that women are more likely to be treated as sex objects. Patriarchy is a : social system in which men have all the power. The society was controlled by : men, and women were just properties of men. In addition, some people do not : care that women are being dominated by men, and some women even promote this : situations to others, including their daughters. Even in modern times, some : people still treat women as sex objects. It causes the belief that women’s : bodies are sexual and should be covered. However, this concept of females is : really out of date, because in women’s view, men’s bodies are also sexual, : but topless men can be accepted and not against the law of public indecency. : To eliminate the bad tradition from patriarchy, the unfair attitudes toward : women must be changed. : In short, women really have right to show their breasts in public. : There are : many concepts of this topic in three sides, gender equality, social media, : and patriarchy. Compared to attitudes toward topless men, attitudes toward : topless women are too biased. Now, advanced countries are working for gender : equality, but just the view of sex is still conservative. In social media, : the double standard toward different genders is unreasonable. For another, : patriarchy has limited a lot of women’s rights for a long time, and it is : time to change this unreasonable situation. In conclusion, gender topless : equality is necessary and represents an important process of women’s right. : If women can show themselves without bias, the relationship between different : genders would be better, and the society would be kinder and fairer to women. : 因為要用到APA格式引用的關係 找兩方觀點相關的文章已經很頭大了 : 卻更被說"沒看到三個side的各兩方論點" : 雖然列給老師看了 但跟他說還是一個頭兩個大 : 尤其在Social media那一段 老師是說沒兩方點 但我是要反駁"Facebook方的想法" : 是因為我說得太委婉嗎(同學表示) 還是Organization上的問題呢(不習慣的點) : 因為老師一直跳針的點是他不清楚哪個點 但跟他問了很久他卻也只是說不行 : 所以想請各位提供意見 感謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1555732492.A.46A.html
kee32: 高手! 04/20 12:11
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