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Either he or I am wrong. Either he or I are wrong. Are either he or you wrong? either...or多和單數名詞或代名詞連用,但是常用複數動詞。 錢伯斯英文文法與用法A-Z 第392頁 Neither we nor John is wrong. Neither we nor John are wrong. Are neither we nor John wrong? Are both we and John correct? Neither... nor連接第三人稱和第一人稱、或是連接第二人稱和第三人稱時,用複數動詞 聽起來會比較自然 錢伯斯英文文法與用法A-Z 第747頁 https://m.sanmin.com.tw/product/index/001453749 -- 逆轉糖尿病與減重的完美療法 with Dr. Jason Fung (中文字幕) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksN7phBy7iU
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