看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我在2017年出版的一次通過新多益550分的書中,看到雙人對話有一題文法題覺得怪怪的, 想說請教板上各位。對話如下 W:Hello, Good Taste Restaurant. Gina Speaking. How many I help you? M:Yes, hi there. My name is Josh Tobin. I've got a complaint about your service. Yesterday my wife and I ate at your restaurant, and one of your waiters, I think his name was Tony, was pretty rude to us. W:I'm terribly sorry to hear that, Mr. Tobin. This is not typical of our service, and I believe this is just an isolated case. We will certainly enhance the training of our service personnel. M:Okay, I surely hope so. 目前我知道綠色底是同位語句型,然而我比較有疑問的是有關紅色字的部份, 紅色字是完整的句子,為何沒有連接詞? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1579319150.A.402.html
charli: 這是口語吧?而且上下用逗號分開,表示補充說明,指出Tony 01/18 13:01
charli: 大概就是那個waiter,不需要連接詞。把這句拿掉,也不影響 01/18 13:01
charli: 整句的意思。 01/18 13:01
※ 編輯: greenplant77 ( 臺灣), 01/18/2020 13:14:34
cuylerLin: 綠色哪來的同位語(?) 01/18 15:40
Lhanas: 紅色部分是插入語(parenthetical),有獨立句子的地位, 01/19 04:39
Lhanas: 語調上也有明確的界限與主句隔開,可以看成就像打了括弧 01/19 04:39
Lhanas: 一樣 01/19 04:39