看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
工作上因為需要詢問外國姐妹會關於當地法律施行的問題寫了email去問, 結果對方都沒有回,反而是有回別件事情的email。 所以我想用他們有回的這個email去問原本我想問他們有沒有收到法律施行問題的email 並且希望他們可以回覆,想用下面的表達內容,方便的話幫我審閱一下,感謝。 ......We would like to confirm if you have received the email dated...., We haven't received your response regarding that email since..... As we aim to improve......, the opinion from your esteemed association will be valuable and useful to ....... We will appreciate and look forward to your reply. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1594217960.A.E9B.html
duriel3313: 原本email再寄一次內文寫kind reminder就好了 07/09 12:03
duriel3313: 工作email真的不用一堆廢話 07/09 12:03
SunkfBeauty: 感謝回覆,了解了,謝謝。 07/10 22:51
nightone1022: 直接問就好,然後詢問或要求開頭用we would like to 07/12 20:52
nightone1022: know個人覺得沒禮貌 07/12 20:52