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※ 引述《dexmanlau (never give up)》之銘言: : 請問板上高手以下這句 : ""when they have to put in real work for money, teenagers will come to : appreciate every penny earned' 其中 come to怎麼翻譯?? 省掉 意思 會變嗎?? : 感覺多餘的!? 謝謝 grow/get/come to like you https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/grow-get-come-to-like-you.3057089/ I grow to like you. I come to like you. I get to like you. Do all three sentences mean the same thing? -- They do. They all express the idea of gradually learning to like somebody or gradually feeling friendship with somebody. -- 話若是講透更啊!目屎是揮莫離啊! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1611655540.A.633.html
enggys: 語意有點不同, 前兩個暗示以前並不喜歡你, 第三個比較中 01/29 08:33
enggys: 性一點. 01/29 08:33
sadlatte: Grow to有越來越多感覺 我對你的喜歡越來越多 come to有 01/29 11:56
sadlatte: 種變成這樣、走到這一步的感覺 get to有機會的感覺 以上 01/29 11:56
sadlatte: 個人觀點 01/29 11:56