看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(1)Japanese culture being as influential as it is, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the outcome was that the habit soon spread around Asia. 劃線部份要怎麼翻,being在這裡是 "be + ing" 還是 名詞,什麼意思呢?! (2)Confident that no one would dare question his authority, ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 這邊是不是應該放動詞,可是confident好像是形容詞?! dare & question 在這邊應該都是動詞吧?! the general demanded that the group of soldiers clean his room for him. (3)~,who turned people on to doing it for photographs. ^^ ^^^ to在這裡是 in order to 的意思嗎?! (4)They have opened museums to exhibit some of the strange records out there. ^^^^^^^^^ 在那裡不是可以直接放個there,out there是有什麼不同的意涵?!還是out是跟著 exhibit的?! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1640342890.A.4B5.html
AirOctopus: 1.『日本文化跟往常一樣有影響力』,是be+ing用來強調 12/24 19:23
AirOctopus: 2. 這裡要強調confident所以擺開頭,Being confident 12/24 19:26
AirOctopus: 的簡化,念起來比較有節奏 12/24 19:26
AirOctopus: 3.不是。turn people on 去 doing it for photo的意思 12/24 19:30
AirOctopus: 4. 文法上可以只有there。 out there有外面各處的感覺 12/24 19:32
AirOctopus: there就是指"那裡"而已。 12/24 19:32
exempt: https://i.imgur.com/fH1UNxs.png 12/24 20:41
exempt: 你發文請益前有先查字典嗎??? 12/24 20:43
有喔~ ※ 編輯: howisfashion ( 臺灣), 12/25/2021 02:49:37