看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問: 本不應....但是... 的句法該如何表達? 例如: 本校本不應接受此名學生入學,畢竟其托福成績未達標準。 然而此生具有極高的橄欖球天賦,且為去年全國高中足球賽 冠軍隊成員。他還獲選為冠軍賽最有價值球員。因此,建議 特准其入學。 以下兩種寫法應選何者? 為何? 它們有何差異? 1. This student should not be admitted to our school as his TOEFL score is below the standard. However, he has high tenent in football, and belongs to the team that won the championship of the National High School Football Game. He was also elected as the MVP of the final game. Thus, we recommend accepting his admission. 2. Our school should not have accepted the admission of this student as his TOEFL score is below the standard. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1672683256.A.6F5.html
pentimento: 用虛擬語氣就好了。 01/03 12:22
whitecolor78: 1是把當前事實陳述一遍,目前還沒錄取 01/04 10:33
whitecolor78: 2是已經錄取了 所以用與現在事實相反的假設語氣 01/04 10:34