看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
想請問如果要表達我可不想登上明天的新聞版面可以說 I don't want to appear on tomorrow's newspaper. 嗎? 還是要加上my name或是換個不是那麼直翻的用法呢?謝謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH1907. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1676684763.A.7A6.html
GeraldLiu: I don't want to be a news on the paper tomorrow. 02/18 13:33
ilway25: news 不可數, in the paper 02/18 16:10
kee32: i don't want to be on the news tomorrow,我覺得不用特別 02/18 19:10
kee32: 強調報紙 02/18 19:10
xiezl: I don't want to end up on tomorrow's news headlines. 02/19 01:12
peter98: I don't want to be news 02/19 08:07
peter98: on the paper指的是physically在紙上 你可以說"名字"是 02/19 08:09
peter98: on the paper, 但不可以說"人"是on the paper(除非你是真 02/19 08:09
peter98: 的要表示有個人的腳踩在紙上) in the paper表示內容在紙 02/19 08:10
peter98: 上 in the news跟on the news都可以 但意思也些微差異 02/19 08:10
peter98: in the news著重在"內容" on the news著重在"你聽到或你 02/19 08:12
peter98: 看到一個新聞" 02/19 08:12
madgina: I don’t like to be the news headline 02/19 19:45
argot: 感謝大家,想要改為使用 I don't want to be tomorrow's ne 02/20 18:53
argot: ws.看看是否合適 02/20 18:53