看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
各位先進, 大家好, 我日前讀了一篇算簡單的英文閱讀, 但有一題讓我有疑問, 想提出來問大家: Dear Uncle Frank and Aunt Jean, Merry Christmas and Happy New year! I can't believe that it's already been a year since we celebrated the holidays together. The weather here has been freezing and we already have 40 centimeters of snow on the ground. We plan on snowshoeing out to the forest this afternoon to cut down a tree. Of course the kids can't wait to decorate it! I've been keeping busy in the kitchen baking traditional Christmas treats and volunteering at the local food bank. It's a busy time of year as donations of canned items come pouring in. This time of year always brings out the generosity in people. We will deliver boxes of food to families with low incomes around the area a few days before Christmas. We hope you are all well and that you have a peaceful and pleasant holiday. 1. What does "canned items come pouring in" mean in the reading? a. Too many people are giving canned items to the food bank. b. The food bank is receiving a lot of canned items at the moment. 有些人說答案是 A, 也有人說是 B, 我自己覺得好也是兩個都可以. 不知道大家怎 麼看? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1677250948.A.39E.html
xiezl: 這題很有趣,關鍵句應該大家都看得懂:「這是一年中最忙的 02/25 08:02
xiezl: 時候,因為罐頭食品的捐贈不斷湧入。」所以答案 (B) 「食 02/25 08:02
xiezl: 物銀行目前收到很多罐頭食品。」一定會對。至於答案 (A) 02/25 08:02
xiezl: 「許多人把罐頭食品捐給食物銀行。」則不一定,因為可能只 02/25 08:02
xiezl: 有少數慈善家捐贈了大量的罐頭食品。這個情況只要拿新冠疫 02/25 08:02
xiezl: 苗來替換,就會懂。「捐贈的疫苗不斷湧入。」但背後是「共 02/25 08:03
xiezl: 有美國、日本、捷克、立陶宛、斯洛伐克、波蘭等六個國家與 02/25 08:03
xiezl: 鴻海、永齡、慈濟三個民間團體參與」。 02/25 08:03
xiezl: 所以這題與其說考閱讀測驗,不如說在考邏輯[不能過度]推理 02/25 08:03
trtr112: x大, 請問您的意思是指這題不是"too many people", 而是 02/26 22:44
trtr112: "many groups 或 organization" 嗎? 02/26 22:44
※ 編輯: trtr112 ( 臺灣), 02/26/2023 22:45:18
dunchee: B的話去掉"too"就對了: 02/27 04:19
dunchee: -> 1 ... 02/27 04:20
dunchee: 比如太多人(->所捐贈的物品太多)造成他們無法負荷/無法處 02/27 04:20
dunchee: 理/....等等。原文章是這意思的話會另外交待(比如抱怨一 02/27 04:20
dunchee: 下之類的,或是他們得提前關閉等等) 02/27 04:20
dunchee: 後文的"This time of year always brings out the genero 02/27 04:21
dunchee: sity in people"也是一個線索,就是在講一般人的善舉而已 02/27 04:21
dunchee: ,不用想太多 02/27 04:21
dunchee: 一個實例: https://tinyurl.com/239evavj 02/27 04:27
dunchee: 標題: Too Many People Are ..... 02/27 04:27
dunchee: 開頭的 There can be too much of a good thing. 02/27 04:27
dunchee: 以及接下來不遠的 And that's a problem. 02/27 04:28
dunchee: 可以稍微讀一下,頭五段就夠了 02/27 04:29
peter98: 文中講的是均贈很多 不代表很多捐贈的人 A選項即使沒有 03/05 00:11
peter98: 一開頭的Too也錯 很多捐獻變成很多人 這是主觀推理 03/05 00:11
trtr112: 感謝各位大師的回答. 03/05 22:45