看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《chrisjohn214 (明月照大江)》之銘言: : 32.________ over 500 applicants for a single job, she did not see the point in s : ending in her : resume. : (A)Because of : (B)Due to : (C)Since : (D)With : 答案是D,想請問前三個為什麼不行呢? : 煩請各位先進指教 一、原題目中除了 since 是連接詞,不能接片語之外,其他三個都是介係詞,在文法上 都對。因此差異在語意表達與使用時機上。 二、關於 because of, due to, with 用於表示「因為」時的差異,整理如下。 以下定義與例句取自於 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 與 「英語常用 詞疑難用法手冊」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 because of https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/because-of-somebody-something ★ because of somebody/something used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something ■ He had to retire because of ill health. ■ We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! 說明:because 與 because of 是用來表示「直接因果關係」,亦即某個事件或情況直接 導致了另一個事件或情況。其強調了兩個事件之間的因果關係。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 due to https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/due-to ★ due to due to preposition because of something ■ The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error. ■ She has been absent from work due to illness. ■ The restaurant’s success was due largely to its new manager. ■ Attendance at the meeting was small, due in part to (=partly because of) the absence of teachers. Register Due to is mostly used in formal or official contexts. In everyday English, people usually use because of: ■ We cancelled the picnic because of the weather. 說明:due to 與 because of 意思相近,也是用來表示「直接因果關係」。但是在使用 上 due to 用在正式或官式文書場合,而日常用語則使用 because of 為多。 特別補充:有部分語言學家與考試 (主要是 GMAT) 認為 due to 是形容詞,而非介系詞 ,所以構成的片語不能當作「副詞」來用,因此不能夠放在句首。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3 with https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/with ★ with 4 because of a particular feeling or physical state ■ They were trembling with fear. ■ Jack beamed with pleasure when he heard the news. ■ I was too weak with hunger to cry. ■ Mother became seriously ill with pneumonia. 13 at the same rate as something else and because of it ■ a skill which improves with practice ■ The risk of cancer increases with the number of cigarettes you smoke. 14 because of a situation that exists ■ With John away there’s more room in the house. 說明: 1. 根據朗文字典的定義, with 意思中包含 "because of" 的有三個定義。而根據本文 考題前後文語意,有關係的是第 14 義。但是值得注意的是,若用 4 或 13 義的話,其 意思與 because of 並無二致。 2. 至於第 14 義 "because of a situation that exists" 表示的是「由於某個存在的 狀況」。這種意思與 because of 差別在:後者表示的是「直接因果關係」,而前者是「 雖然有因果關係,但並非直接關係」。簡單說就是個附隨關係,翻譯上可以調整為「由於 、鑑於、在…情況下」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 下面這本書有豐富的例句說明此種用法,詳列如下,供有興趣者參考。 英語常用詞疑難用法手冊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/CN10663620 (博客來) 作者:陳用儀 ISBN:9787308075923 頁數:903 出版社:浙江大學出版社 with 在句首表示「在…情況下」。 【例如】 ■ But now, with the rest of the country desperately in need of oil, any extra will disappear fast.   但是如今國內其他地區需油迫切,有多少剩餘都會很快用光。 ■ With the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote.   眼看整個會場鬧成一片,主席就打消了交付表決的打算。 ■ With the military under orders to get lighter and faster, several companies are designing new gear for special-forces units assigned everywhere from Afghanistan to the Philippines.   由於軍方奉命要輕裝化和快速化,因此好幾家公司正在為那些派赴從阿富汗到菲律賓 的所有各地的特種部隊設計新裝備。 ■ With only a handful of these distinctive handmade timepieces in circulation, this exquisite wristwatch could only be found in the collections of the world's most distinguished gentry. (US News and World Report, 鐘錶廣告 )   這種名貴的手工精製計時器只有寥寥少數在市場流通,因此這個精美的手錶只能在世 界上最高雅的大戶的藏品中找得到。 ■ With the talks in their 8th day, they underscored the urgency of completing the negotiations.   隨著談判進入第八天,他們強調盡快完成談判的迫切性。 ■ With the country in the fledgling stages of its great democratic experiment, Washington had focused on the very concept of union itself.   正當這個國家還處於它偉大的民主試驗的初始階段時,華盛頓就專心關注聯合這個概 念本身。 ■ With the propaganda apparatus that regularly assured Saddam was alive out of operation, rumors of every variety have emerged about his fate.(AFP, April 9, 2003) (注意這裡out of operation不能和was alive直接聯繫,它是對the propaganda apparatus的說明)   由於那個老是斷言薩達姆仍然活著的宣傳機器已經失靈,於是紛紛出現了有關他處境 如何的五花八門的謠言。 說明:請就各句的前後文體會一下,為什麼這幾個例句裡的前半段並非是後半句的「直接 原因」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 三、關於原題解答 由於 with 包含了 because of 的概念,差異只在是否是「直接原因」,而這種差異的決 定權在作者,而非讀者。也就是作者認為是「直接原因」,那就是「直接原因」。雖然深 究下去,還是會有一點客觀標準,但是在考試時,考生是沒有辦法跟出題者爭辯整句內容 是否屬於「直接因果關係」。 所以,解題時就依照原 po 文中的板友回覆:(1) 用文法規則刪掉 since,(2) 用語意相 同刪掉 because of 與 due to,(3) 選留下來的 with。 以上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1677550298.A.0FE.html
tupacshkur: 強! 超清楚 02/28 14:07
kee32: 解說的真是詳細,太厲害了 02/28 15:58
chrisjohn214: 讓你花這麼多心力解釋,我都不好意思了QQ 02/28 17:50
chrisjohn214: 感謝指導~~~ 02/28 18:06
VIATOR: 超強 03/01 00:25
egduj: 感謝詳細的說明 03/01 11:33