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Recently I am pondering and pondering for a long long time. If "The Man" doesn't like me, what kind of hatred does exist between him and me? Why does he carry me here to be alive here? If "The Man" likes me, why does he see me suffering for serveral times but he doesn't help me at all? If "The Man" is God, what is the relationship between him and me? I have no idea why do I have to suffer for strange surroundings? I just don't get to know why he hates me or not and why I have to be painfully alive and tortured? Is there any solution? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EngTalk/M.1434537370.A.73E.html
Irene1992: so the man is the god? 06/17 20:22
jimmy540i: god dosnt exist period. 06/18 01:27
oda2007: It's little cruel, but there's a saying "God helps he 06/18 06:35
oda2007: who helps himself". I got this from one of my English 06/18 06:36
oda2007: teacher. However, may god bless you, still. 06/18 06:38
dosandonts: I just don't know the reason why he would do 06/18 08:25
dosandonts: harm to me even he knows all of the whole world. 06/18 08:26
dosandonts: Don't you think he's playing an idol like me? 06/18 08:26
dosandonts: "a doll of me" ---sorry for typo mistakes 06/18 08:27
oda2007: It is complicated...since the existence of God can't 06/18 19:12
oda2007: be proven, whether truth or false. But in my opinion 06/18 19:12
oda2007: even he does exist it doesn't mean we have to TRUST. 06/18 19:13
oda2007: When it's raining, bring your umbrella, if you have 06/18 19:14
oda2007: forgotten, let it be. However no need to blame your 06/18 19:16
oda2007: own self. 06/18 19:16
dosandonts: If I were the God, I won't ruin the TRUST 06/18 20:59
dosandonts: from all of the world, since I need people 06/18 20:59
dosandonts: to worship the God, except for those who were 06/18 20:59
dosandonts: out of the mind which is not included. 06/18 21:00
oda2007: I don't think so. As said we could NOT prove whether 06/18 22:45
oda2007: he does exist or not, let alone his feelings-again, 06/18 22:47
oda2007: if he doesn't exist or with another kind of existence 06/18 22:48
oda2007: , which is, not like the human being-I would rather 06/18 22:49
oda2007: perfer this: it's natural, just like weather, climate 06/18 22:51
oda2007: and temperature etc...and that's all. Someone may do 06/18 22:52
oda2007: this, but I won't appreciate the sun or blame rain. 06/18 22:55
oda2007: In the end it's too far from origin topic, I think we 06/18 22:56
oda2007: should close this case. 06/18 22:56
oda2007: By the way I also replied your 9260. 06/18 22:58
dosandonts: Thank you. I replied for your previous op. 06/19 05:40
Ilovepasta: How abt finding your answers at a church? 06/19 11:35
dosandonts: I believe that I will go through it. 06/19 12:03
oda2007: I visit church often actually. But I will remain my 06/19 21:18
oda2007: thought, since there're too much god-christian, isiam 06/19 21:20
oda2007: and Jewish, Buddha....maybe the best option is not 06/19 21:21
oda2007: choose anyone, for my money. 06/19 21:22
dosandonts: totally Agree what you're talking about. 06/20 08:33