看板 EuropeTravel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上個月去蜜月遇到Italo遲到兩小時,給了一個折價code,提供給需要的人使用,信件資 料如下所述,請使用完的人推文告知,以免後來看到的人白忙@@ as a valued customer, please accept our apologies for the delay incurred whils t travelling on Italo 9983, on 23/02/2017. As a result of this delay, a compen sation has been granted to you and travelers included in your ticket, worth 50 % the amount paid, totalling 14 Euro. This amount can be used as credit, associated to your ticket code - PNR LY7PHD , within 550 days from date of issue, to purchase other tickets or services th rough all our sales channels.ꀊ BTW,依照去年底買車票的經驗,感覺沒啥早鳥票,我從一開放需要的日期可以購票時一 直天天盯著票價,無法發現特價規律,聖誕節也沒活動特價,但我最後每一段Italo都買9 .9歐元,有一段是出發前兩週才等到特價。 結論是如果想撿便宜,可以載APP守株待兔~~祝大家可以買到漂亮的價格~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EuropeTravel/M.1490843580.A.824.html
diciannove: Italo每兩三個禮拜都會有5~8折的折扣碼噢,可以訂電 03/30 12:07
diciannove: 子報接受不定期的折扣資訊! 03/30 12:07
lawrence7373: 這應該需要原po的英文姓名才能使用 03/30 13:04
lawrence7373: 已使用,感恩! 03/30 21:52
GodPettitte: have fun~~ 03/31 15:46