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(首次使用手機借朋友帳號PO文,如排版不佳請見諒) ---------------------------------------- 大家好,想請問大家今年度調查局調工組選試英文科目中的第30題 考選部公告的答案為A,但本人認為此公告答案有疑義 與朋友討論過後,答案有選擇C或D,但一致認為A不是正解。 我將此測驗題組和疑問題目分享如以下內容(來源為考選部,如有不妥之處還請不吝告知 指教) 不知道板上各位朋友的意見為何,歡迎交流討論: 閱讀測驗內容: Years ago, many scientists assumed that a woman’s heart worked pretty much th e same as a man’s. But as more women entered the male-dominated field of card iology, many such assumptions vanished, opening the way for new approaches to research and treatment. A similar shift is underway in the study of Alzheimer’s disease. It has long been known that more women than men get the deadly neurodegenerative disease, and an emerging body of research is challenging the common wisdom as to why. A lthough the question is by no means settled, recent findings suggest that biol ogical, genetic and even cultural influences may play heavy roles. Of the more than 5 million people in the United States who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the leading cause of dementia, two-thirds are women. Becau se advancing age is considered the biggest risk factor for the disease, resear chers largely have attributed that disparity to women’s longer life spans. Th e average life expectancy for women is 81 years, compared with 76 for men. And even after taking age into account, women are more at risk. With the number of Alzheimer’s cases in the United States expected to more th an triple by 2050, there is a greater need to understand the underlying reason s women are more prone to the disease and to develop gender-specific treatment s. The area of inquiry has been growing in part because of a push by female A lzheimer’s researchers, who have formed a group to advocate for a larger lead ership role in the field and more gender-specific research. 題目: 30. Which of the following is true about the view that a woman’s heart works differently from a man’s? A) It was an old view long held by the male-dominated scientific community. B) This view was challenged by many male researchers in the past. C) This view was challenged primarily by female scientists. D) This view developed because of advancements in cardiology. 以上先謝謝各位,如有同為相同類科的朋友,也歡迎一同討論交流此次考試相關經驗和內 容。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Examination/M.1440089053.A.300.html ※ 編輯: andy0930 (, 08/21/2015 00:48:45
lordwithme: 我選C 但細看是A沒錯 08/21 00:51
lordwithme: 或許貼出您自身論點較好討論 08/21 00:52
birdong: 我也覺得A不對,A跟文章開頭是反義 08/21 00:56
lsru6: A 08/21 09:59
parkblack: A吧 怎了@@ 08/21 11:27
okasahara: 大家覺得今年難嗎? 我覺得英文頗難 08/21 11:54
fight622: 這題我選D嘖嘖,我覺得英文跟去年差不多 08/21 12:24
fight622: 對完沒意外錯6題,比去年好XD 08/21 12:38
lordwithme: 等一下 應該是C或D 題目是寫different 08/21 12:47
wakako: A啊..... 08/21 16:11
wakako: BC題目沒提到D不對 08/21 16:15
wakako: 第一段看完就可以選A了 08/21 16:15
adjustice: A 08/21 16:35
YOHOpig: 覺得不是A,A跟第一段是反意,看最後一段選C 08/21 19:17
godpolsteven: A是錯的,跟題目原意相反 08/22 01:10
tracyyen: C錯,因為文中沒提到此觀點主受到女性科學家挑戰 08/22 09:17
tracyyen: D更是錯得離普,因為此觀點是就觀點,而非長期科學進展 08/22 09:19
tracyyen: PS 我不是考生,純粹討論問題 08/22 09:19
tracyyen: A則完全正確 08/22 09:20
tracyyen: 看反了,D才對,A錯,C不太對 08/22 10:03
jacinta123: 我覺得D 08/22 11:54
b9910: D明顯錯誤..心臟病學發展很久了,但以前就是沒有該觀點 08/22 14:18
b9910: 要一直到女性學家投入這領域才出現該觀點, 08/22 14:19
b9910: 要用邏輯思考... 08/22 14:20
b9910: D選項如果改成是"最新的心臟病學發展",那才合理 08/22 14:22
b9910: 我造個例子: 08/22 14:24
b9910: 新大陸的發現是因為航海技術的進步. 08/22 14:25
b9910: 這樣的說法有邏輯錯誤.. 08/22 14:26
andy0930: 謝謝大家的回覆,針對C及D的討論,我認為C比D來得恰當, 08/22 17:49
andy0930: 理由和b大類似,因為D導因為果,所以稱不上最佳答案。針 08/22 17:49
andy0930: 對C我認為challenge可翻譯成「爭論」之意,似乎就比較 08/22 17:49
andy0930: 恰當。以上純屬個人看法。 08/22 17:49
cafupupu: 我覺得因科學進展而有新觀點和因有新觀點導致科學進展 08/22 18:45
cafupupu: 倒是C從上下文推論不出此結論,文中只有說女科學加加入 08/22 18:46
cafupupu: (接我的第一段)都說得通,D沒有邏輯問題 08/22 18:47
cafupupu: (接我的第二段)再說女性科學家比較可能是"支持"而非"挑 08/22 18:57
cafupupu: 戰新觀點,所以C不對 08/22 18:57
frankfann: 覺得是A,從第一段的But as more這句可推出答案。C在 08/22 23:11
frankfann: 文章裡沒有明確提到 08/22 23:12