看板 FATE_GO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
美服5/23實裝從者幣 有打不到的素材怎麼辦? https://i.imgur.com/hpQ68rP.png
* The four items listed above will be available as battle drops from enemies to be added in upcoming Main Quest chapters. 這四樣東西會在往後的主線添加 We have opportunities planned to gather the four new items through events, etc., until the release of new Main Quest chapters and Free Quests. 我們有機會可以從未來的活動中拿到呦 About Other Materials Used for Enhancement: 還有其他的素材 * With these new features added, you may want to collect more QP and embers than ever. 因為這個功能 各位可能會想農QP With this in mind, we have some updates coming soon for the daily Ember Gathering and Enter the Treasure Vault quests. 我們之後會更新(迦勒底之門) The release date and other details for these updates will be announced at a later date. 細節在這之後會公告 公告網址: https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2022/0522_servant_coin/ === 讚啦! = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FATE_GO/M.1653111385.A.4E1.html
Emask: 5星種火關也提早了喔 真好 05/21 13:39
Sessyoin: 這都是個啥啊 05/21 13:52
ballby: 提早實裝素材 05/21 14:07
Schickeria: 二號爸爸我也想要直營 05/21 15:03
ngcnjkk5: 所以新素材還是要等主線開放才能農阿 05/21 15:51
whhw: 新的QP門! 05/21 17:01
LeafLu: 美服賭場已經有新素材可以換了 05/21 18:23
Sessyoin: 反觀... 05/21 18:44