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原文:https://tinyurl.com/rbw2hef 標題: Wolff admits uncertainty affected Bottas as he vows to 'do a better job' in contract talks Wolff 承認合約的不確定性影響了 Bottas 並誓言要在合約溝通上做得更好 內文: Mercedes boss Toto Wolff has admitted the team will handle contract talks differently in the future, as Valttari Bottas revealed the uncertainty over his Mercedes seat for 2020 was a "pain in the ass". Vattari Bottas 表示他2020年在 Mercedes 的位置的不確定性有如"芒刺在背",因此 Mercedes 老闆 Toto Wolff 表示未來團隊將用不同的方式來洽談合約。 Only in August, just before the Belgian Grand Prix, did Mercedes confirm they were to retain the services of Bottas for 2020 - and the drivers' championship runner-up said the wait to learn of his future was taxing, with Mercedes reserve Estaban Ocon waiting in the wings. 就在八月——比利時站之前—— Mercedes 才確認 Bottas 2020將繼續留在車隊效力,當 時 Merceds 還將 Estaban Ocon 留在一旁等著,車手冠軍爭奪者(Bottas)則表示等待未來 被宣判的感覺讓他非常吃力。(應該是指比賽時的壓力很大) "There was definitely uncertainty for 2020 at some point," he said. "Lots of rumours. I had no idea what was going to happen. I just had to wait. So, for sure, as a athlete, as a driver, It's not an ideal situation." "在某些點上,2020的確存在一些不確定性",他說。"有太多的謠言。我完全不知道接下 來會發生什麼狀況,我也只能等著,而毫無疑問的,作為一名運動員、一名車手,這絕不 是一個理想的狀態。" "You can't completely with peace of mind and focus on the job and, y'know, feel mentally free and in the right place. It's tricky. When that continues, you know, year after year, every single year of your career, at some point it's getting a pain in the ass - so it's definitely nice to get the contract signed ." "你知道的,(在這種情況下)你無法完全心平氣和地專注在工作上並把心思放在正確的地 方,這很棘手,當它(這種情況)一直持續下去,一年又一年,你的每一個賽季都如此,最 終它便會有如芒刺在背,因此能簽下合約真的是太好了" Ocon was ultimately announced as going to Renault in 2020, replacing Nico Hulkenberg, on the same day as Mercedes made their announcement on Bottas. 在公布與 Bottas 續約的同一天,Ocon 也終於正式宣布將在2020年加入雷諾車隊,取代 Nico Hulkenberg。 Mercedes Team Principal Wolff said he would try a "better job" of contract renewals in 2020, particularly as he anticipates a particularly silly 'silly season' before the new era of F1 dawns in 2021, with most drivers contracted until the 2020 season. Mercedes 車隊負責人 Wolff 說2020年他將試著在合約的更新工作上做更好的處理,尤其 是在2021的F1新紀元開始之前他將參與一個特別可笑的"愚蠢賽季",而絕大多數的車手合 約都將在2020年底到期。 "I think with Vattari, there is a better way to deal with that," said Wolff. "對於 Valttari ,我想我們有更好的做法。"Wolff 說。 "Now in retrospect, you can say it probably had an effect. And I will try to consider that and make a better job in that respect. In 2021 the door is wide open, no driver is contracted to any team, [which] is super exciting. And I guess the driver carousel is going to start very soon." "現在回顧當時的情況,你可以說那應該有影響。因此我會試著從這個角度去思考並做出 更好的決定。2021年的大門已經大大的打開,還沒有車手與任何車隊簽約,(這件事)令人 興奮。我猜很快就會上演車手的大洗牌。" For his part, Bottas is anticipating another year of trying to prove himself all over again. 對於 Bottas 來說,他將迎來又一個再次證明自己的賽季。 "It's going to be the same story next year. But not too worried at this point because the pace is good, Ienjoy the driving, I enjoy working with the team and hope they appreciate that as well." "明年的處境還是與今年一樣,但別太擔心這一點,我的狀態不錯,我享受駕駛,我享受 與這個團隊一起工作也期望他們和我一樣。" With four wins, 15 podium finishes and five pole positions, this has been Bottas's most successful season by far, and it's not over yet with the Finnish driver determined to add to that list in the upcoming Brazilian Grand Prix having said that he "failed" on his target of winning the championship this year. 四次分站冠軍、15個頒獎台還有五次桿位,這已經是 Bottas 目前為止最成功的一個賽季 ,雖然他已經確定無法奪得車手年度冠軍,但賽季還沒結束,這位芬蘭車手決定在接下來 的巴西分站還要繼續為前述清單加上幾筆。 注: 原文發布日期是2019/11/08 但我覺得這篇有些地方滿有趣的 1. 從Bottas的說法來看 原來車手本身也對合約進度沒什麼管道能了解 還會被場邊的謠言影響(還是內部的謠言?) 2. Toto Wolff說明年談合約的方式要做出改變 難道要在季前測試就宣布簽約? 3. 2021目前還沒有車手簽約 如果真如Wolff所說的大洗牌,那我已經開始期待2021了~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1573550083.A.A1D.html
riddler: Wolff:每年簽打工合約其實很超值^_< 11/13 10:52
smallyu1102: 感覺HAM要去紅軍了,先放個風向球... 11/13 15:23