看板 FORMULA1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Monaco Grand Prix is set to become the latest casualty on the 2020 Formula 1 calendar, as coronavirus restrictions are put in place in the principality. 摩納哥站成為2020 F1最新的受害者 Still officially set to be the first race of the season after the cancellation of the five preceding races, it is now widely expected that F1’s showpiece e vent will not go ahead as scheduled on May 24 after the Monegasque government took the decision to close all “non-essential” public places from Saturday a t midnight. 在前五戰被取消後 摩納哥站在3/24也被認為會取消 因為該政府決定關閉所有不必要的公眾場合 Restaurants, casinos, cafes, theatres, cinemas and nightclubs have all been cl osed after the city-state reported its third case of COVID-19 on Friday. 摩納哥的餐廳、賭場等不必要活動 都因為第三起確診關閉或取消了 Instead, the sport’s organisers are believed to be targeting the Azerbaijan G rand Prix on June 7 in Baku as the 2020 opener, although unlike the other race s that have fallen victim to the COVID-19 outbreak, they are reported to be es pecially interested in rescheduling Monaco given its ‘jewel in the crown’ st atus on the calendar. 相關人士認為2020第一站目標在巴庫 而不像其他站已經被取消 大家也對特別重視重新規劃摩納哥站時間 Should the race in the principality not go ahead, it would be the first time s ince 1954 there has been no Monaco Grand Prix, bringing to an end its streak o f 65 consecutive years as part of the F1 world championship. 如果摩納哥站沒有開跑 這會是自1954來第一次沒有摩納哥GP 中斷連續65年都是F1分站的紀錄 - 可以趕快讓武漢肺炎DNF嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1584363256.A.F2B.html ※ 編輯: Huoyichung ( 臺灣), 03/16/2020 20:54:48 ※ 編輯: Huoyichung ( 臺灣), 03/16/2020 20:55:48
seanchen3: 後面打成摩洛哥囉03/16 20:55
j5a6s7o8n: 後面跑掉了...03/16 20:56
對欸 沒注意到哈哈哈 謝謝提醒~ ※ 編輯: Huoyichung ( 臺灣), 03/16/2020 20:57:07
RickyRu9io: 摩納哥跟摩洛哥不同啦 哈哈 03/16 20:56
particular: 吼唷,我最愛的場地 03/16 21:24
alex2426chen: 不意外 摩納哥整段都在市區 感染風險更高 03/16 21:26
Inar: 今年比賽我看是買單了,歐洲疫情沒有幾個月很難處理 03/16 21:45
chocopie: 今年不用跑了,改舉行eSport吧 03/16 22:03
ASKA: F1 2020 遊戲開發商表示: 03/16 22:27
Lunayue: Codemaster爽的咧 更新塗裝多Latifi Ocon的模型當2020賣 03/16 22:35
Lunayue: 多Zandvoort 和越南 剩下跟2019一模一樣 03/16 22:37
KomeijiYuki: ocon用以前模組就好了 03/16 23:02
mpst897: Ham今年是沒辦法破紀錄了 03/16 23:29
Duke200: 蠻想看越南站的 不知道有沒有機會替補上 03/16 23:33
Duke200: 前面那些延期的站別 應該只會挑幾站比 也有可能取消QQ 03/16 23:35
smallpig02: 車手:今年爽拿簽約金 03/17 00:31
sequence: 摩納哥的首相確診了 03/17 00:42
jior: 直接用PS4在F1上對決吧 03/17 02:48
rattrapante: 看來原本的2020賽程等於要全部重新擬定了 03/17 03:04
jimmylily: https://i.imgur.com/BM8exzY.jpg 03/17 07:26
jimmylily: 照片裡左邊加拿大第一夫人右邊Idris Elba都確診了,Le 03/17 07:27
jimmylily: wis Hamilton 有沒有去驗啊? 03/17 07:27
gilubo: 療程6週+兩倍潛伏期28天,高峰以後兩個半月都不用比了 03/17 08:21
jason0132: 小黑還去衝浪欸 03/17 10:43
creepy: 哭哭 03/17 10:58
rattrapante: 哇嗚 這樣看來澳門大獎賽有機會破記錄了 03/17 11:28
rattrapante: 成為連續舉辦最多年的街道賽 03/17 11:28
Santander: 噗液歪 03/17 11:31
ATMANMARK: 給武漢肺炎一個黑旗謝謝! 03/17 18:59