看板 FORMULA1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: https://twitter.com/JunaidSamodien_/status/1279356018934394885 @JunaidSamodien_ The new front wing with the central pillars has been fitted to Verstappen's car. Helmut Marko said Albon's front wing will be given to Verstappen because there were only two wings/noses. Horner has just said that his team has worked hard overnight to repair the nose/wing. 紅牛這周帶來了新鼻翼,不過只有兩個。而VER 昨天在FP2 時弄壞了一個,據 說今天紅牛決定讓VER 使用ALB 的新鼻翼,而讓ALB 使用舊的。 雖然平心而論VER 應該是要比ALB 快一些,不過兩人今天的成績相差的蠻大的, 或許有部分是因為這因素? https://i.imgur.com/xKPxv7G.jpg
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dennis699: 感謝分享~   明天正賽會怎麼用鼻子呢?  07/04 23:02
Scape: 如果沒有新的的話應該還是會把資源集中在VER上吧 XD 07/04 23:07
orange7x7: Alb做最後一圈時出黃旗所以應該還能更快 07/04 23:15
ian5king: 二奶的悲哀QQ 07/05 00:05
potatoes: 移動零件庫 07/05 00:26
ralph0517: 突然被換鼻翼多少會受影響呀 07/05 12:10